日期: 2018年06月04日

When it comes to front desk employees, they were not well trained and looked after. Most of them were over-burdened as their higher orders only expected to improve results through receptionists only. They were not communicated well about the ways of improvement. The behavior of Simon was more of shouting and authoritative not of supportive and listening. He could not communicate them the requirement and the ways of dealing (Marques, 2007). On the other hand he himself made the distance from the employees so that they themselves could not take their problems to him. Moreover the front desk employees thought their jobs as temporary.
The reason was poor job offerings. This was least among the whole Tel Aviv hourly rates. The burden was that much that some of them sometimes could not even go for lunch. Most of them thought to work there for seven months to receive a government one time grant. This was for people who just got out of the military and are encouraged to serve the tourism industry. Hence the stability was not there as they left jobs after seven months. Some of them went for higher studies. This was all due to managerial problems that all prevailed due to interpersonal communication gap (Communication Theory 2011).