美国Essay代写旧金山大学:Data Collection techniques
For research in social science the data can be categorized in to three as Data pertaining to human beings, data relating to organizations and data pertaining to territorial areas. The collected data for any analysis is the raw material.
Researchers collect and analyze two types of data for marketing purpose: primary and secondary. Primary data is the data collected by an entity using data collection techniques for an own purpose, and the secondary data is collected by an entities but subsequently used by another entity for a different reason. This research that aims at discover the current Chinese middle class’s consume feature need to collect primary data to enable further analysis, but in terms of understand and identify the Chinese middle class by study them from previous researches involves viewing a great number of secondary data, and most of these data will be used to contrast with the primary data gains from this research as well.
The primary data is collected by the researchers from the primary resource directly but in secondary data collection the data is collected by the researchers from the third parties resources. The primary data collection is done by interviewing, observation, mail survey, experimentation, simulation and projected technique.