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如上所述,2010年的数据已用于分析贸易流量。首先,在经济背景下分析贸易流量。美国是一个开放的经济体,拥有大量的进出口。根据美国贸易数据 - 出口(2010年),美国出口的产品价值1,277,109,162,000美元,而进口的商品价值为1,966,496,750,000美元(美国贸易数据 - 进口,2010年),这意味着其贸易余额为负,贸易逆差总额$ 689,387,588,000。如果看到贸易格局,可以看出美国向加拿大出口的最大货物(出口到加拿大占美国出口总额的19.4%),其次是墨西哥(出口到墨西哥占出口总额的12.8%) 。其他三个贸易伙伴是中国(占出口总额的7.2%),日本(占出口总额的4.7%)和英国(占出口总额的3.8%)。事实上,德国和英国在2010年美国出口总额中占3.8%(美国贸易数据 - 按国家分列的出口额,2010年)。因此可以看出,美国的主要贸易伙伴是发达经济体,唯一的例外是中国是发展中经济体,但已经准备好迎接高增长轨道。美国对其前6大贸易伙伴的出口总额占出口总额的51.7%,这意味着美国出口总额的近一半是向其五大贸易伙伴提供的。


This report is based on the analysis of the world’s largest economy, the United States. The trade data for the complete year of 2010 has been analyzed so as to identify the patterns in the trade flows of the economy while analyze the rationale behind the same. The economy of US is categorized in the group of developed economies across the globe and is also deemed to be the most powerful economy worldwide. Recently the economy has been witnessing recessionary forces engulfing its economy that were initiated by the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008.

Trade Patterns of the economy of United States
As stated, the data for 2010 has been used to analyze the trade flows. First the trade flows are analyzed in the context of the economy. United States is an open economy and has a huge volume of imports and exports. As per US Trade Data – Exports (2010), US exported products of the value $1,277,109,162,000 while it imported goods of the value $1,966,496,750,000 (US Trade Data – Imports, 2010), which implies that it had a negative trade balance and a total trade deficit of $689,387,588,000. If the pattern of trade is seen, it is seen that US exported goods of maximum value to Canada (Exports to Canada were 19.4% of the total exports made by US) followed by Mexico (exports to Mexico constituted 12.8% of the total exports). The other three trading partners were China (accounted for 7.2% of the total exports), Japan (accounted for 4.7% of the total exports) and United Kingdom (accounted for 3.8% of the total exports). In fact, both Germany and United Kingdom accounted for 3.8% each of the total exports made by US in 2010 (US Trade Data – Exports by country, 2010). Thus it can be seen that the major trading partners of US are developed economies with the only exception being China that is a developing economy but is poised for a high growth trajectory. The total exports that are made by the US to its top 6 trading partners sum up to 51.7% of the total exports implying that almost half of the total exports of US are made to its five major trading partners.

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