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美国论文代写维克森林大学 :家庭和婚姻

美国论文代写维克森林大学  :家庭和婚姻


美国论文代写维克森林大学  :家庭和婚姻

Households can be classified as family household or non-family household. When two or more people are living in a house and sharing food and shelter, it is a family household whereas a person living alone, or living with someone, to whom he/she is not related, is considered a non-family household. Households tend to go through a life cycle as this is the basic evolutionary process of a human’s life. This life cycle can be grouped in three different aged distributions, individuals of less than 35 years of age are classified as young, 35-64 are categorized as middle-aged and 64 above are old. The young age households can be further classified in the categories of single, young married, full nest, and single parent.  The chosen stage for the scope of this paper is young single. According to ABS, the median age at marriage in Australia is 29.6 years for males and 27.7 for females, so the young single category includes males falling in the age range of 15 to 29.6 years and females in the age range of 15 to 27.7 years (as the households of age less than 15 are considered as children). As the name suggests young singles, so the marital status of this class of households is unmarried i.e. single, and as far as the characteristic of their children is concerned, a very small fraction of these households are single parents and this small number is dominated by females who like to raise children on their own without having any committed relationship or marriage.

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