日期: 2018年10月22日
The consumer buying process corresponds to how consumers make decisions and the consumer research revolves around this question and tries to find ways to manipulate this decision making process of consumer. The first and foremost factor in the buying process is the allocation of their budget across various goods, this may include the weekly allocations for their visits to restaurants, transport expense etc. Second is the identification of different alternatives, this may include different brands for corn flakes or different flavors for corn flakes. Next is the evaluation of these alternatives in terms of their preferences and tastes and finally, the decision process is completed when they buy the best alternative (according to their perception) of all. As stated earlier that the young single households are looking forward to new goods, their buying process of choosing between the alternatives is not something very clear to them, the attractive packaged products or highly advertised products can force them to choose these products instead of the regular brand they buy every time, for example, if a single-sized packaged food is highly advertised with tag line attracting a young single household, he will be buying that product next time when he/she will go for shopping.