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美国毕业论文代写马凯特大学:cash flow

美国毕业论文代写马凯特大学:cash flow

美国毕业论文代写马凯特大学:cash flow

在2012年年度报告中,给出了从2010年到2012年的三年现金流量。每年的经营现金流量持续增长。折旧一直在稳步增长。由于公司参与重组业务,现金流因减值而发生变化,重组变动大幅增加。此外,由于递延税项而产生的收入在2012年也变为负值。应收账款正在减少,导致正现金流量。在投资活动方面,随着公司的投资,现金流量正在减少。公司对物业厂房和设备的投资增加了很多。此外,公司未对2012年的持有至到期工具进行投资。由于信托的借贷活动增加,融资活动产生的现金流量在2012年转为正值(Cabela's Inc.,2012)。

对于2004年年度报告,显示了2002年的现金流量。 2004年,由于信用卡贷款的负现金流以及累计的薪酬和福利,2004年的经营现金流量在此期间有所下降。从经营活动中获得的现金流量基本上已经发生了变化,并且在所考虑的时期内已经下降。对于投资活动产生的现金流量,趋势保持不变,并且在此期间不断增加。

美国毕业论文代写马凯特大学:cash flow

In the annual report of 2012 three year cash flows from i.e. from 2010 to 2012 are given. The operating cash flow is increasing consistently every year. Depreciation has been increasing steadily. Cash flow changed due to impairment and restructuring changes is increasing on large basis due to company being involved in restructuring their business. Also income due to deferred taxes has also turned negative for the year 2012. Accounts receivables are decreasing leading to positive cash flow. In terms of investing activities the cash flow is decreasing as company is making investments. Company investment in property plant and equipment has increased a lot. Also company did not invest in held to maturity instruments for the year 2012. Cash flow from financing activities has turned positive for the year 2012 due to increased borrowing activities from the trust (Cabela’s Inc., 2012).
For the annual report 2004, cash flows from the year 2002 are being shown. Here the operating cash flow in the year 2004 has decreased over the period due to negative cash flows in origination of credit card loans and also accrued compensation and benefits. Essentially trend has changed for cash flows from operating activitiesas it has declined over the considered period. For cash flows from investing activities the trend has remained the same and it is continuously increasing over this period.

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