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领导力在组织中起着至关重要的作用。成功的领导者需要有效地开发和管理员工队伍。只有成功的领导者才能有效地了解组织和个人的需求,因此才能制定出适当的计划来实现这两者。因此,除了培训组织雇用的新员工外,还必须注意向现有员工提供培训,以培养他们的领导技能和其他软技能。当个人获得更多经验时,他或她学习和发展新技能并获得更多的知识。为了转移这些技能,经验和知识,组织为导师计划做好准备,其中更有经验的员工指导和帮助年轻员工,以便后者在个人和职业发展中受益。分享知识的经验丰富的员工被称为“导师”,获得知识的年轻或缺乏经验的员工被称为'门徒'或'被指导者'(Antal,AB 1993,pp 450)。在指导中计划导师和受托人的利益(双赢)。一方面,导师通过亲自和专业地帮助受指导者来获得满足感,从而获益;另一方面,受指导者获得更多知识并开发新技能。此外,这些计划有助于组织节省成本(培训和开发会议)。它被认为是另一种有助于开发和管理员工的有用技术。知识管理是指在组织内保留和共享知识或信息的过程。它为新员工提供了向老年员工学习的机会。这不仅有助于他们了解组织的目标,目标和运作;但它也导致了员工之间更好的关系(人员技能管理)的发展(Arthur Murray等,2004,第128页)。


Leadership plays a very crucial role in an organization. A successful leader is required to develop and manage workforce effectively. Only a successful leader can effectively understand an organization’s as well as an individual’s needs and therefore chalk out a proper plan to fulfil both. Therefore, apart from training the new employees hired by an organization, attention must be given in imparting training to the existing employee base to develop their leadership skills and other soft skills.As an individual gains more experience, he or she learns and develop new skills and gains more knowledge. Organizations in order to transfer these skills, experiences and knowledge make provision for Mentorship programs wherein the much more experienced employees guide and aid the younger employees so that the same can benefit the latter in their personal as well as professional development. The much more experienced employees who share their knowledge are known as the ‘Mentor’ and the younger or inexperienced employees who gains knowledge are known as the ‘protégé’ or the ‘Mentee’ (Antal, A.B. 1993, pp 450).In a mentorship program both the mentor as well as the mentee benefit (win – win situation). On one hand, the mentor benefits by attaining a sense of satisfaction by helping out the mentee personally as well as professionally; on the other hand, the mentee gains more knowledge and develops new skill sets. Moreover, such programs help the organization in saving cost (on training and development sessions).It is considered to be another useful technique that helps in developing and managing employees. Knowledge management refers to the process of retaining as well as sharing knowledge or information within an organization. It gives an opportunity to the new staff members to learn from their seniors employees. This not only helps them to understand the goals, objectives as well as functioning of the organization; but it also results in development of better relationship (people’s skill management) between staff members (Arthur Murray, et al, 2004, pp 128).

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