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代写美国毕业论文犹他大学:cultural capital

日期: 2019年03月07日


代写美国毕业论文犹他大学:cultural capital



代写美国毕业论文犹他大学:cultural capital

Also unlike the embodied cultural capital, where the person having the capital is the possessor, here it can be said that there is not possessor; it is only a proxy arrangement. Here Bourdieu makes a distinction between the dominated and the dominant capital. The creation of the dominated and the dominant categories through cultural capital is also one of the strengths of the cultural capital transmissions among others. Here the dominant group is that which derives profits from the transmission of the production of the cultural capital. The dominated groups are those that will draw profit only by selling the cultural capital.  The dominant appropriation increasing with time leads to the collectors of the cultural capital also increasing in strength. The collection of this cultural capital in its objectified state therefore brings increasing revenue to the dominant groups and a onetime profit to the dominated group. This agent or manifestation of cultural capital however is not just symbolic like that of the embodied cultural capital. This cultural capital is in all appearances both symbolic and material and hence has a greater connection with that of the economic capital also. It can be reinvested in the fields of cultural production like that of the artistic field to general more greater revenue for the one who has bought it.
Cultural capital in the institutionalized state is more exchangeable. This form of capital is not lost when one gives it to another. Where the embodiment is seen as a symbolic exchange that may or may not be ratified, the cultural capital that is institutionalized will be ratified. However this cultural capital is not materialistic. This does not mean it is not connected to economic capital, it will be connected to economic capital depending on what it is used for. The academic qualifications that one carries are an example of the institutionalized state of this cultural capital. Here a cultural competence is conferred on a person based on the cultural transmission that has taken place. In placing importance on the transmission process the institutionalized cultural capital is similar to the embodied cultural capital. Where the process of embodiment and transfer might not be that easily recognizable, here society will have policies to recognize the transmission. The power invested in conferring the institutional requirement for possessing the institutional knowledge makes it nearly similar to economic capital. One can be exchanged for another and can still be expected to have the same value. Human capital in this context guarantees sure profit and also increases the value quantification of the social capital.

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