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The silent film era was one of the most inspiring eras of film industry and was from 1890 to 1920s. Today when people discuss about films they discuss about entertainment and how this word comes in the mind of the audiences. Before this was not the story people mentioned movies as a novelty that becomes a form of art for the audience. The main concept of silent movies at that time was because of the language barrier that was present at that time because immigrants were present in the country and most of them had no knowledge about English (Morgan, 2013). Silent movies in this sense were a cheap and basic form of entertainment for people. There were many famous actors for silent movies but Charlie Chaplin has made a mark in these movies because of his expression and how he managed to bring smile to the audiences.
He was born on 1889 and was born with the name of Sir Charles Spencer and made a mark in the film industry with a comic film maker, actor, cinematographer and photographer. His career was long and he ruled his time for 75 years because his work was innovative and became an inspiration for millions. Machine and people was the background of “modern time.” In 1930 USA’s industry used a lot of machinery leading to unemployment of the workers. The reason being the wave of economies and social crisis was the fact that it became a hit. In this movie, machine is not the tool of human, but the enemy of all the working class (Phillips, 1999). At the beginning of the movie, we can see there were many shots of workers and machines together, that maybe was done deliberately by the director. For example, when the camera shot, Carlo and the other workers in the production line, we can strongly feel there was a screw that fixed them tightly in the line, they can’t leave. At the same time the contradiction between the workers and bosses or between the workers, all happened because this production line. The machine became the replacement of workers, and the importance of people and motility became smaller and smaller and workers became unnecessary (Robinson, 2013).

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