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首页 > 论文代写案例 > 英国布拉德福德大学论文代写:个人品牌


日期: 2019年05月15日






The strength of a person is highlighted by the effective measures taken by the person while serving the organization or while attaining a strategic goal or mission. People acknowledge those individuals, who have the ability of communicating effectively, never turn down others and are always good resources of information. I have always tried to analyze my strength, weaknesses, threats and opportunities in order to understand the impact of external factors on my personal self. However only analyzing is not essential but what is essential is to work towards implementation of practicable approaches.

I configure myself to be a person with specific personal brand identity components such as value, perception, class, image and uniqueness. Each of these identity components of brands offers an insight into the personal branding possessed by a person. As a script developer I have managed to take steps in positioning myself as a skillful script developer with discrete value usage, established class of being a creative thinker, positive image and I do possess the ability of bringing about innovative unique style through my work. However I still need to furnish by unique style elements in order to make sure just like all other corporate brands in the world that the position taken by me and the perspectives developed by me cannot be imitated and are such that they cannot be duplicated. In addition, the values that I possess as a script developer will also require to be highlighted which is only possible if I share my knowledge with others in the same field and all those fields where I am interested in. There are also various script development methods that I am still getting used to but I am not going to give up on practicing these research methods as they will help me to strengthen my weaknesses. In other words, in order to highlight brand personality of my own perspective, I would require the support from strong networking elements and strategies to appraise development of brand. In addition, taking a leadership position as time passes by is essential (Harris et al 2011). Today I am an intern at Each other film where everyone knows me as a new individual working in the organization with less experience of life. However, this is not true and for changing this thinking, I will need to convey my strong position through strengthening of networks and adhering to the principles of strong personality development.

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