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英国论文代写格罗斯特郡大学 :pH值

日期: 2019年05月23日


英国论文代写格罗斯特郡大学 :pH值


英国论文代写格罗斯特郡大学 :pH值

The pH scale is used to measure how acidic or basic a chemical is. Acidic and basic nature is two forms of chemical natures, at their extremes. Neutral substances are that which are neither acidic nor basic. Acidic and basic substances will cancel out each other. The pH scale that is used to measure for this has a range of zero to fourteen. Here the pH of 14 is fixed to be neutral. A pH value for a substance that is slightly higher than 7 would be called as basic and when the pH value is lower than 7 then it is called basic. The pH scale is read out in terms of value of 10X. So considering that a pH value of 4 then it can be said that it would be 10 times more acidic when compared to another substance that has a pH of 5. If the same substance was to be compared to another substance with a pH value of 6, then it would have around 100 times or 10 times 10 more acidic natures. Pure water is a substance that is considered to be neutral, however the pH can be changed when the water is mixed with that of acidic or basic substances, based on what it is mixed with it can render a solution that is either acidic or basic in itself. Lemon juice is a simple example of an acidic substance; on the other hand laundry detergents are basic substances. Very basic and very acidic substances are usually very reactive. Battery acids are acidic and strong industrial strength cleaners are often basic (EPA, 2012). 

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