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英国论文代写里兹都会大学 :公司治理

英国论文代写里兹都会大学 :公司治理

英国论文代写里兹都会大学 :公司治理




英国论文代写里兹都会大学 :公司治理

In the past three decades, the economic reforms in the country of China have raised the level of economic growth leading to the development of western style corporate governance and oversight mechanisms. These reforms or the alignment towards the foreign corporate governance is being perceived as the effort of improving public confidence on the markets at both national and international level. Irrespective of this progress, the Chinese corporate governance structure seems to be weak. China was ranked 44th out of 49 nations in a survey conducted by World Economic Forum in the year of 2003, in the context of corporate governance quality.

Clarke defines the Chinese corporate governance as the set of rules and regulations outlined to regulate the relationships in between the parties engaged in post traditional Chinese business corporation. These set of rules are considered to govern the process of decision making with each of the concerned corporations. However, this approach is being refined time to time to attain a competitive advantage and stronger position within the global market. Chinese corporate governance regulates this relationship in accordance with the business organizations’ best interest. However, today most of the post traditional corporations do not fall under the control of state. Most of the studies on the concerned topic are performed on two primary kinds of corporations in the country of China, these include PHCs, publicly held companies and SOEs, or state owned enterprises (Abrami et al., 2008). The deficiency in the Chinese corporate governance structure is clearly evident from the recent corporate scandals and the same has led the country towards a radical reassessment regarding how the enterprises must be governed or directed.

Within China, the enterprises are found to follow two distinct types of corporate governance, which include external and internal governance structure. Within internal governance structure, the board of directors are held responsible or the managerial incentive mechanisms, control, and ownership. On the contrary, government regulations and policies govern the enterprises within the internal governance structure. The external corporate governance structure is found to be dominant in China as the government takes full responsibility of ethical and lawful business activities. With the emergence of globalization, the Chinese government is trying to incorporate the significant and advantageous features of foreign corporate governance structure within Chinese market so that the economy can be strengthened and maximal profits can be attained.

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