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When organizations have to work in multiple teams, leaders have to play the crucial role of bringing about better teamwork within the operations. A leader’s personal work style and approach to the management of internal dynamics of the team impacts the quality of teamwork. The management of costs, timelines and work performance standards within the working of the teams of the organization is impacted by the approach of the leaders. It has been seen that increase in levels of leadership may enhance relationships among team members (Yang, Huang and Wu, 2011) which directly improves the quality of work performance. Such steps also allow the team members to have larger presence of cooperation within the team dynamics that creates smooth management of any task in an organization. This would mean that the role of the leadership comes in sharp attention and focus for the purpose of creating suitable and agile team management activities.
Organizations working in complex business environment have to develop effective team decision-making processes. Leadership creates supporting factors which can manage the frequent and rapid changes which organizational teams have to deal with. Team decision-making process has to evolve in order to undertake the task of indulging in faster manner. Teams which develop shared leadership and role division tend to work better in decision-making. The cohesion of group is likely to be developed better when the leadership creates intra-group trust. This translates into better presence of consensus while coming to team decision-making (Bergman et al., 2012). It aids in betterment of team functioning and efficiency of the work. The cohesion of team work is driven on the basis of focused leadership. An important aspect of improving team cohesion and decision-making is the need of the team members to indulge in proper sharing of the knowledge and information. When leaders motivate the team members to share knowledge and indulge in better intra-team communication, it improves the overall team performance (Lee et al., 2010). Thus, comprehensive working of the organizational leadership influences the team-decision making and overall efficiency of the team members. It requires active support of the leadership to promote suitable working of the team cohesion and cooperation within the members.

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