Urbanization leads to the degradation of ecosystems because of immense deforestation and other soil degradation activities. The landscape of earth is altered because of urban development and other human activities which can have wide and long term negative consequences. Earlier the agricultural land was shared by wildlife specifies as their habitat in the form of forests which now no longer exists due to urbanization and deforestation and resulted in soil erosion and is also influenced by governmental policies. The inland and costal water bodies are affected by the runoffs from agricultural lands. Urban development leads to threats to human health, productivity of agricultural lands and biodiversity of marine life all over the world. When forests are used for urbanization, it increases chances of soil erosion, carbon –dioxide in the atmosphere and chances of floods. It alters and even removes the earth’s vegetative cover and results in increasing the degree of concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, changes in the heat trapping gases and even leads to changes in the local, global and regional climatic changes with changes in the energy balance on the surface of the earth. The leftovers of urban development are rich in sediments and toxic contaminants which can deplete the top layer of the soil and make it unsuitable for agricultural purposes.