随着手机变得越来越智能,它们的使用正变得非常普遍并在大学生中流行。导致手机如此普遍的原因很多,例如玩游戏,发短信,听音乐,观看视频,使用社交媒体,互联网搜索等。手机已成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分,不再被称为配件。在许多研究中已经仔细研究了常规使用移动设备的效果。确定手机使用,学业成就,生活满意度和元认知意识之间的关系是这项研究的主要动机(Lepp,Barkley和Karpinski 15)。
为了衡量学业成绩,使用了总GPA,短信和通话次数以及手机的使用时间决定了手机的使用情况。 250名大学学生自愿参加了这项研究。在土耳其的东南部,这项研究是在一所私立大学进行的。已经发现,在大学的学生中,手机的使用非常频繁。在研究中已经确定,学习成绩和手机使用之间的关系是正的(Karpinski等人1190)。它在元认知意识和手机使用之间也具有积极的关系。
As mobile phones are getting smarter day by day, the usage of them is becoming very common and popular among university students. There are many reasons which made the use of phones so common, for example playing games, texting message, listening music, watching videos, using social media, internet searching, etc. It has become an integrated part of our life and no longer known as an accessory. The effects of regular use mobile have been scrutinized in many studies. To determine the relationship between usages of mobile phones, academic achievement, satisfaction with life and awareness of metacognitive is the main motive of this study (Lepp, Barkley and Karpinski 15).
For the measurement of the academic achievement, total GPA was used and the number of text messaging and callings, and using time of mobile phone determine the usage of mobile phone. This study has been willingly attended by 250 students of the university. In the southeast part of Turkey, the study has been carried out in a private university. It has been found out that among the students of the university, the usage of mobile phones are very frequent. It has been determined in the study that relationship between academic achievement and mobile phone usage is positive (Karpinski et al. 1190). It also has positive relationship between metacognitive awareness and use of mobile phones.