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美国乔治亚大学论文代写:The usage of jewelry

美国乔治亚大学论文代写:The usage of jewelry

珠宝的使用是最古老的传统之一。人类自古以来就使用珠宝。印度河谷文明是最古老的人类文明,如美索不达米亚文明,有证据表明男女都使用珠宝。此外,在当今世界的大多数社会中,珠宝的使用是显而易见的。男性和女性都使用珠宝。在现代社会中,人体穿刺和在穿刺区域使用珠宝的趋势越来越多。在20世纪70年代,珠宝商的时尚发生了一些变化,大多数珠宝商和艺术家都将重点放在身体上,而身体正逐渐成为珠宝商的重要概念。附着在身体部位的身体珠宝商正在增加。年轻一代正在尝试各种选择,以尝试改变自己的外表(Baiomy 125-852)。珠宝商很多,珠宝艺术家使用该身体作为珠宝。因此,珠宝已成为人体的倒数部分。他们将身体作为珠宝首饰实际附着的直接对象。在这个问题上,身体的姿势很重要,珠宝的使用已经改变了年轻人的姿势。在当代珠宝中,珠宝商试图将身体作为一种概念,并且身体珠宝越来越受欢迎。

美国乔治亚大学论文代写:The usage of jewelry

The usage of jewelry is one of the most ancient traditions. The human has been using the jewelry from the ancient age. The oldest human civilization, like Mesopotamia Civilization, Indus Valley Civilization bears the evidence of uses of jewelry in both male and females. Furthermore, the use of jewelry is evident in most of the societies in this contemporary world. The males and females both use jewelry. In the contemporary societies, the trend of body piercing and using jewelry in the pierced area is increasingly growing. In the 70s, there was some change happening in the fashion of jeweler, most of the jewelers and artist put great emphasis on body, and the body is emerging as a vital concept for the jewelers. The body jeweler that attached to the body part is increasing. The young generation is experimenting with their looks with a various option so that they trying several things that change their body appearance (Baiomy 125-852). There are many jewelers, and jewelry artist uses the body for jewelry. Hence, the jewelry has become the reciprocal part of the body. They use the body as a direct object for physical attachment of the jeweler. In this matter, the body gesture is important, and the jewelry use has changed in the gesture of the young people. In contemporary jewelry, the jewelers try to use the body as a concept and the body jewelry is gaining popularity.

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