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Literature Review代写:父子关系和育儿风格的理论基础

日期: 2017年08月24日

美国代写Literature Review

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文章类型:Literature Review 



在20世纪50年代,许多心理学家对儿童发展进行了研究。他们确定父母与子女有密切的关系。Erik Erikson在1950年发表了他的八阶段人类发展理论作为心理学理论,它已被广泛用于理解儿童发展前三个生命阶段是婴儿,幼儿和学龄前儿童,而他们最亲密和最依赖的关系是父母和家庭。在第一阶段,婴儿应该学会信任和安慰,面对新环境时可能会感到焦虑。幼儿可以根据社交行为要求进行表演,并发展自我控制和自我保健技能。学龄前儿童的个性应该积极,好奇和负责任。父母是这三个阶段影响儿童发展的重要因素。在幼儿阶段,如果父母过于镇压或过于保护,孩子可能对自己的能力没有信心,因此依赖于他们的父母。或者如果父母在探索阶段对孩子施加太多限制,会削弱他们探索的欲望,导致他们不愿意面对新的刺激。根据埃里克森的说法,孩子们将通过解决问题和适应社会环境逐渐建立自己的品格。如果父母过分地干扰这一过程或过于保护,他们会阻碍儿童面对或解决困难的机会。这些行为可能会对其发展产生重大影响。因此,Erikson的想法揭示了父母的行为和养育方式对儿童发展的重要性。

美国论文代写:Theoretical Basis of parent-child relationship and parenting styles(partial)

During the 1950s, many psychologists studied on child development. They established that parents have a close relationship with their children.Erik Erikson published his eight stage theory of human development as a psychosocial theory in 1950, an it has been extensively used in understanding child development The first three life stages are infant, toddler and preschool, and the closest and dependent relationship of them are parents and family. In the first stage, infant should learn to trust and being comforted, they may feel anxious when facing the new environment. The toddler can perform according to social behaviour requirements, and develop self-control and self-care skills. And the personalities of preschool children should be active, curious and responsible. Parents are an important factor that affects children’s development in these three stages. In the Toddler period, if parents are too repressive or over protective, children may not be confident in their own ability, hence being dependent on their parents. Or if parents impose too many restrictions on the child in the exploratory period, it would weaken their desire to explore, causing them not willing to face new stimuli. According to Erikson, children would gradually build up their own character through problem solving and adapting to social environment. If parents disturb this process too much or become too protective, they would hinder the opportunities for children to face or resolve difficulties. These acts could have a significant impact on their development. Therefore, Erikson’s ideas revealed the importance of parent’s behaviour and rearing styles to children’s development.


此外,维果茨基的近代发展区(ZPD)的概念在当今的认知心理学和教育领域中有很多应用。 ZPD探索了一个学习环境,通过一个有经验和较高技能的人指导一个孩子,这个人可以是父母,老师和监护人。维果茨基强调了养育方式与孩子的人际关系和社会发展之间的关系,他指出,孩子们通过合作和辅助而不是惩罚来发展。

美国论文代写:Theoretical Basis of parent-child relationship and parenting styles(partial)

In addition,Vygotsky’s concept of The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) is much applied in today’s cognitive psychology and education fields. ZPD explores a learning environment where a child is guided through the process by someone with experience and higher skills, and that person could be parents, teachers, and guardians. Vygotsky emphasizes the relationship between parenting styles and the child’s interpersonal and social development, he pointed out that children develop through experience cooperative and assistive but not punishment.



美国论文代写:Theoretical Basis of parent-child relationship and parenting styles(partial)

Sears et al. (1957) conducted a study in which 379 families with preschool children participated. The study was investigating the relationships between parenting styles and children’s aggressive, dependent, and moral behaviour. He pointed out that two main characteristics of parenting were warmth and control, and lay out the basis framework of parenting styles.



美国论文代写:Theoretical Basis of parent-child relationship and parenting styles(partial)

Later, American psychologistDiana Baumrind presented three prototypes of parenting styles, i.e. Permissive, Authoritarian and Authoritative parenting styles. She pointed out that permissive parents often show an acceptant attitude towards their children’s desires and behaviour, allow their children to decide what to do, and avoid the exercise of control. The permissive parents make very few demands on the child, even if the child does something socially unacceptable, they would adopt a non-interference or understanding attitude, and seldom punish the child. Authoritarian parents shape and control their child according to their own rigid standard, and demand absolute obedience from their child. These parents often disregard the self-will and desires of their child. They would often employ punitive and forceful measures to deal with their child’s unacceptable behaviour. Authoritative parents shape and direct their child’s behaviour and activities, yet it is based on understanding and respect. When faced with divergence with their child, they often react with active listening and reasoning. When their child does something wrong, these parents might use punishment, but they value whether their child understand the reasons for the punishment and the consequences of their behaviour.



美国论文代写:Theoretical Basis of parent-child relationship and parenting styles(partial)

Baumrind (1996) selected and analysed 12 related studies. She pointed out that, the repressive control of authoritarian parents and over protection of permissive parents may both hinder the opportunities of their children to learn how to tackle dissent and conflicts with other people. Whereas the respect and loving attitude of authoritative parents could help teach the children how to express and support their own courses and to understand the consequences of their own actions. Brought up under authoritative parenting style, the child may be more friendly, independent, self -controlled and adaptive to society. This paper had important impacts on the research, many studies analysed in the research were based on Baumrind’s ideas of parenting styles. However, Baumrind also pointed out that, the behaviour and development of children, and the childrearing styles of their parents, are often related to and affected by other variables, such as the child’s character, physical condition and the environment and culture of the society.



美国论文代写:Theoretical Basis of parent-child relationship and parenting styles(partial)

Bandura (1977) proposed the social learning theory and explained that people learn through observing others’ behaviour, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviours. The famous Bobo doll experiment (Bandura, 1961) demonstrated children’s observing and imitate each others’ behaviour. In this experiment, 36 boys and 36 girls aged between 3 to 6 years old were tasted. The researchers divided the children into three groups, two groups watched one of Bandura’s student behaving aggressively and non-aggressively towards a toy called a 'Bobo doll', while the third group was not exposed to any aggressiveness display. The results show that children who observed the aggressive model act more aggressive than other groups. Bandura also pointed out that individual’s personality, emotions and the purpose and results of those behaviour are the factors that affect children’s decide whether or not to copy those actions. The theory is important to the research in that parent-children relationship is the closest relationship in this period. It would be most likely that children would observe and imitate parents’ behavior. Therefore, based on this theory, how parents look after their kids, their parenting styles and behavior would all affect children’s behavior and development.


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