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美国论文代写北卡罗来纳州立大学: 食品卫生和安全




专业/学科:Food Hygiene 




美国论文代写北卡罗来纳州立大学: 食品卫生和安全 


Implications for Food Hygiene and Safety Resulting from Increased Demand for Food from Hospitability Institutions

美国论文代写北卡罗来纳州立大学: 食品卫生和安全 

由于食品加工者的压力,食品加工过程不充分。各种食物必须充分煮熟才能安全食用。可用于每种类型膳食的准备过程都是为了确保食物烹饪良好,消除了食物中可能存在的任何污染物。然而,当食物制造者因需求增加而受到压力时,有些食物的准备可能不足,因而对消费者造成健康危害。如果没有在正确的条件下烹饪,某些食物可能会造成健康危害。 “某些食品(例如牛奶,奶酪,鸡蛋和一些肉类)具有特定的加工要求,以减轻公众健康和安全的任何固有风险。该准则提供了这些情况下的详细加工要求。“(食品标准)食品在准备和准备时的不同状态对于推荐仅在准备充足时才食用的食品尤其重要。因此,适当准备食物不仅可以防止污染物摄入,还可以确保膳食处于安全食用的正确状态。

Inadequate food preparation process due to the pressure mounted on the food preparers. Various foods have to be cooked adequately so as to be safe for consumption. The preparation processes available for every type of meal is to ensure that the food is well cooked and any presence of contamination that might have been in the food has been eliminated. However, when the people behind food preparations are kept under pressure due to the increased demand, there is the possibility of some of the foods to be inadequately prepared hence posing a health hazard to the consumers. Some of the foods can pose as a health hazard if not cooked under the right conditions. “Certain food commodities (e.g. milk, cheese, eggs, and some meats) have specific processing requirements to mitigate any inherent risks to public health and safety. The Code provides detailed processing requirements in these cases.” (Food Standards)The different states of the food when they are unprepared and prepared can be significant especially for foods recommended to be consumed only when fully prepared. Therefore, proper preparation of foods does not only prevent contaminants from being ingested, it also ensures that meals are taken in their right condition which is safe for consumption.

美国论文代写北卡罗来纳州立大学: 食品卫生和安全 


Poor food preservation methods are also implications in relation to food hygiene and safety caused by the increased demand and consumption. Various food types are to be stored and preserved under different conditions to ensure that the food products are safe to be used in food preparation. Due to the fact that most of the food products are perishable, it is important to ensure that proper and approved methods are used in their preservation process. Increased demand and consumption of food from hospitability institutions, prompts them to buy and store the food products in large quantities. The large number of food products can pose a problem if the preservation equipment were meant to preserve smaller number of food products. This can lead to deterioration of these food products which can be harmful to the consumers if used in that state.Sousa, (2008) stated that “The health and spoilage hazards arising from the refrigerated and deep frozen foods may be due to the raw materials, e.g. pathogenic microorganisms which come from the infected living animals or contaminate raw foods during the handling process.” Another reason can be tied to the fact that most of these food products can end up being preserved longer than the required standard. This will also lead to some of the food products spoiling hence unsafe for consumption.

美国论文代写北卡罗来纳州立大学: 食品卫生和安全 

购买低质量食品是食品安全和卫生的另一个含义。由于消费者对食品的需求增加,食品供应商面临着大量生产高质量食品的艰巨任务。这导致可选择生产大量用于食品制备但质量低劣的食品。低质量食品通过食品生产中使用的低技术方法受到高度污染。因此,如果这些食品可以用于食品制备,那么一些污染物可以传递给消费者,因此对健康构成危害。由于无法达到食品所要求的质量标准,这表明它们不适合用于消费目的。 “对食品而言,高标准的安全性是可以预期的,并且是合理的。” 低质量的食品危害了餐饮业食品的安全性,因此违反了监控这些食品操作的规定和规定机构

Purchase of low-quality food product is another implication to food safety and hygiene. Due to the increased demand of food from consumers, food products suppliers have been faced with the difficult task of producing high-quality food products in large quantities. This has led to the optional production of large amount of food products to be used in food preparation but of low-quality. The low quality food products have high-risks of being contaminated through the low-technique methods used in food production. Therefore, in cases where these food products can be used in food preparation, some of the contamination can be passed to the consumers hence pose as a health hazard. Due to their inability to meet the set standard of quality required for food products, this is an indication that they are unsafe to be used for consumption purposes. “For foods, a high standard of safety is expected and is justified.” (Lásztity, 2009)The low-quality food products compromise the safety of food in the hospitability institutions hence going against the laid rules and regulations that monitor the operations of these institutions.

美国论文代写北卡罗来纳州立大学: 食品卫生和安全 


Based on the increased demand and consumption of food, there have been implications to the food safety and hygiene that has compromised the food quality. Therefore, the organizations enforced with the responsibility of ensuring food safety and hygiene, should look into the identified implications and see how they can work with the hospitability institutions to ensure delivery of safe and quality food is guaranteed at all times even with high demand.

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