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英国论文代写巴斯大学: 商业管理和可持续性报告

英国论文代写: 商业管理和可持续性报告

英国论文代写巴斯大学: 商业管理和可持续性报告




英国论文代写巴斯大学: Responsible Business Management and Sustainability report

Section 1: Business and Sustainability: The Age of Management

The current business models that are being implemented by many of the operating companies need to be based on responsible economic growth in which thee businesses are used as the engine of growth. Some of the famous brands have adopted sustainable practices that allow the business to operate in a sustainable environment. Some of these multinational companies include Cardbury, Starbucks, and Nike. It has been realized that economic growth has always been one sided as companies focused only on profits and ignored all the other aspects. This conception of business led to significant economic growth to the expense of the environment and the society. Therefore, businesses have opted to adopt sustainability management practices where they focus on both profits and how to sustain the environment and the society. The advancement of technology has also impacted negatively on sustainability practices as they unleash greater violence to the environment. However, technology and science can be used effectively towards environment-friendly practices. Therefore, the sustainability management of business is based on the concept of meeting the needs of the current population without compromising the future generation’s ability to meet their needs.

In a world where economic growth is the main focus of business, there are various challenges involved in the implementation of business sustainability practices. The sustainability management practices calls for responsibility from all the stakeholders of the business to be involved in the implementation process. One of the common challenges faced is the lack of support from all the stakeholders in regard to the sustainable business practices. Communication is important and therefore, the stakeholders should be able to communicate on the best way that they can achieve the sustainability practices. The common fear among many of the stakeholders is the reduced profits if they are engaged in sustainability practices. However, examples from companies like Cardbury, Inteface, and Nike that have adopted these practices and are still making huge profits should be an indication that sustainability business practices are meant to benefit all the involved stakeholders and the environment in the inclusion. In the recent past, many companies have opted to adopt the sustainability management practices through engaging in corporate social responsibilities where they look for ways in which they can sustain the environment, society and the stakeholders. The implementation of CSR has been able to achieve great success even in small-scale firms and companies that aim to achieve the sustainability goals.

英国论文代写巴斯大学: 商业管理和可持续性报告



组织道德品质(OEQ)用于评估企业社会责任政策和行动,并能够从缺乏道德高尚的道德品德(ICSR)到道德高尚的道德高尚度(道德CSR MCSR)。只有通过高水平的组织道德质量和基于社会行动的更积极的企业社会责任政策才能实现高水平的MCSR。因此,要使组织能够实现企业社会责任的这些目标,应该能够考虑涉及商业运作的几项举措。首先,组织应该能够开发对环境影响最小的产品和流程。各组织还应确保人员和货物在其业务流程和运营中的安全。通过几种策略,组织将能够发挥人们的潜力。与所有利益相关者的最佳沟通应成为旨在实现CSR目标的组织的一部分。应该在组织的各个层面培养诚信文化。通过在CSR政策中实施这些目标,组织将能够满足并获得高水平的MCSR。这将导致组织的经济增长,利益相关者和环境的可持续发展。了解企业社会责任是现代社会面向可持续发展目标的一个重要方面。

英国论文代写巴斯大学: Responsible Business Management and Sustainability report

Section 2: Understanding CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility most commonly referred as CSR is the conducting of the business in an ethical way that is economically profitable, socially supportive, and law abiding. There are several aspects that are used to promote CSR in an organization. They are presented in form of responsibilities that include economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic. The Caroll’s CSR pyramid is used to define these responsibilities for an organization. However, it is believed that to be able to achieve the benefits of CSR, every individual has to be involved in a significant way. The CSR is about the organizations ensuring that the surrounding community and environment benefits from their business operations. In meeting the responsibilities of CSR, ethics is considered as a different aspect. Therefore, it is normal to find a corporation that meets its all CSR responsibilities but it is not ethically virtuous. Ethics and CSR used to be considered to go hand in hand but in the modern times, they are two different aspects that have some similarities.

Organization ethical quality (OEQ) is used in the evaluation of the CSR policies and actions and being able to identify the varying levels from lacking ethical virtuousness which is known as Immoral CSR (ICSR) to the highest levels of moral virtuousness referred as moral CSR (MCSR). The high levels of MCSR can only be achieved through high levels of organizational ethical quality and more proactive CSR policies that are based on social actions. Therefore, for an organization to be able to achieve these objectives of CSR, it should be able to take into aspect several initiatives that involve business operations. First, the organizations should be able to develop products and processes that have minimal impact to the environment. The organizations should also ensure the security of people and goods in their business processes and operations. Organizations will be in a position to develop the potential of people through several strategies. Optimum communications with all the stakeholders should be part of organizations that aim to meet the CSR objectives. A culture of integrity should be cultured at all levels of the organization. By implementing these objectives in CSR policies, an organization will be able to meet and acquire high levels of MCSR. This will lead to economic growth of the organization, stakeholders, and sustainability of the environment in the process. Understanding of CSR responsibilities is an important aspect in the modern world that is geared towards sustainability goals.


英国论文代写巴斯大学: 商业管理和可持续性报告






英国论文代写巴斯大学: Responsible Business Management and Sustainability report 

Section 3: Sustainable Design

Due to the environmental crisis that is being experienced in the current times, it is recommended for sustainable designs to be developed. Market failures, corruption, and out-dated thinking are some of the reasons that the environmental crisis has reached higher levels. However, this is yet to be corrected as people are not taking the right initiatives to curb the crisis. The sustainability aspect has to be based on the various aspects of human. Living conditions have to be made sustainable through less materialistic and energy needs. On the other hands, equitability should be implemented for living conditions to be sustainable. With the increasing population in urban areas, there is expected to be a greater impact on the environment than never before if actions are not taken to prevent escalation of the current environmental crisis.

Businesses also have a part to play in the sustainable programs. In this case, businesses should be able to design strategies that will help move the world towards a sustainable future. This can be achieved by rethinking on the various ways in which products and their benefits can be delivered without destroying the world, or the well-being of those around. Through dedication, some of the multinational companies have been able to balance their environmental, social, and economic impacts of their business operations. Innovation can also be used in the sustainability programs. Innovations that are meant to sustain the environment are to be promoted by business corporations.

Designs that are eco-friendly can be developed to ensure that the environment is protected from degradation.  This can be achieved by integrating product development with environmental aspects hence promoting practices like re-use, recyclability, type of material use, energy used, and longevity of the product. The impact of these designs can be evaluated by use of various tools that determine the impact of products on the environment. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is one of the tools used to measure how a product has impacted the environment from the design stage to the disposal of the product. By using the information collected, corporations can strategize on how best to minimize the identified impacts through the development of a new design strategy.  

Companies like BMW and Siemens have been able to develop a sustainable design that they are using in the production of their products. This has been achieved through the use of environmental guides, types of materials used, number of components, re-use of materials, and design for disassembly. Various other companies are taking different initiatives towards sustainability and it is an encouraging trend as it indicates that businesses are aware of their part to play in environmental sustainability.

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