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美国论文代写爱荷华州立大学: 商业道德

美国论文代写爱荷华州立大学: 商业道德

美国论文代写爱荷华州立大学: 商业道德



他似乎预订了它,也收到了邮件,也准备在网上显示确认邮件,如果仍然没有再次预订,则表明工作人员效率低下。这些服务真的需要改进,员工应该受到良好表现的培训。出于业务的原因,员工需要适应客户并理解他们的问题,在所有员工为客户服务之后留下他们的自我,反之亦然。这看起来好像她跟客人差不多。她甚至在她离开打电话给她的经理西蒙(Chitode 2010)时也懒得通知客人。由于她最初对客人的预先假设而产生的姿态,非常糟糕。她从一开始就没有为他服务; 这只是出于名称的缘故。她的表现不是所期望的员工应该有的。

美国论文代写爱荷华州立大学: 商业道德

To be able to make all these things in action, first of all Simon himself should be out under such sessions as it is not only the profit that you should see as success for your business but the feedbacks, that is the potential you have and how much of that you are utilizing (Mongiello, Harris, 2006).

The problem how Samantha interacted with the guest was this only. She felt the person was of Indian origin with which they had problems and even could not find the reservation done by her. This did not mean that she should also start dealing the same way. The business ethics should be taken care of. Moreover she herself did not seem confident about the reservation as she had to check that again and might be she had made mistake in checking. If the guest is to be believed, it seems he was irritated by the journey and hence was in trouble.

It seemed he booked it and got the mail too, was ready to show the confirmation mail online too, and if still it was not booked again it shows inefficiency of the staff. The services really need to be improved and the staff should be trained for behaving well. Due to sake of business, staffs need to accommodate customers and understand their problems leaving their ego after all employees are in service of customers not vice versa. It looked like she was more or less misbehaving with the guest. She even did not bother to inform the guest when she left for calling her manager, Simon (Chitode 2010). The gestures due to her pre assumption about the guest were from the starting, very bad. She from the beginning did not feel servicing him; it was just for name sake. She was doing formality that is not expected from an employee.


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