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首页 > 论文代写案例 > 美国Essay代写霍夫斯特拉大学:公共信息


日期: 2018年07月09日



公共关系的公共信息模型是最具信息量的模型之一,它基于事实和准确性。该模型是在20世纪开发的,在执行该模型之前已经进行了大量的计划和讨论。从名称中可以看出,公共信息是公众对国家宪法规定的各种法律法规所要求的信息的集合。就像一个人在公共场所被偷了,比如在火车站,那么这个人可以走近询问处并获得联系方式和投诉的信息,然后工作将如何进行以及他得到了他需要做的事情和手续。所有这些都是一个人应该知道的信息,以避免任何问题。公共信息是非常必要的,许多国家认为只有通过适当的公共信息,公众才能意识到他们在自己国家的权利和作用。公共信息机构可以是政府机构也可以是私人机构,但在这两种情况下,它们的功能都相同。有时许多其他机构也作为公共信息媒介工作,如果一个人加入驾驶学校,那么他们提供有关驾驶的所有信息以及需要遵循的规则。参与公共信息的公共关系人员在道德规范下工作。 Gruing和Hunt的公共关系模型将公共信息解释为一个真实的模型,并不仅仅是为了获利。目前公共信息的一个例子是“投票信息”。我们知道越来越多的人习惯了最新的技术,其中之一就是互联网。投票是一个国家每个公民最重要的权利和义务之一,因为它有助于国家选择正确的领导者。为了让这一天变得更容易,投票细节正在互联网上进行描述。在这个计划中,一个国家的公民可以登录他们各自国家的网站,然后获得有关投票,投票过程,选举过程和选择投票方式的所有信息以及许多此类信息。该人还获得有关如何停止利用选票的信息。因此,公共信息模型是非常必要的,政府和公共关系部门应该努力使其达到全世界最大的人。


The public information model of Public Relation is one of the most informative models and it is based on truths and accuracy. The model was developed in 20th century and a lot of planning and discussions were done before executing this model. Public information as seems from the name is the collection of information that are required by the public in relation to the various laws and regulations that has been set up by the constitution of the country. Like if a person things get stole at a public place let us say at a railway station, then the person can approach the enquiry office and get the information like whom to contact and file a complaint, then how the work will proceed and the chances of his getting his things and the formalities he need to do. All these are information that a person should know in order to avoid any kind of problem. Public information is highly required and many countries felt that only through proper public information the public can be aware of their rights and role in their countries (Grunig & Hunt, 1984). Public information agencies can be government as well as private but in both the cases their function is same. Sometimes lot of other agencies also work as a medium of public information like if one joins a driving school then they provide all the information on driving and the rules one need to follow on road. The public relation people involved in Public information work under ethics. The Gruing and Hunt’s model of public relation explains Public information as a truthful model and which does not function only for profits. One of the current examples of public information is “Information on Voting”. As we know more and more people are getting used to latest technologies one of which is internet. Voting is one of the most important rights and duties of every citizen in a country because it helps the country select the correct leader. To make this easier now a days the voting details are being described on internet. In this scheme a citizen of a country can log on to the website of their respective countries and then get all the information on votes, the process of voting, the process of election and selection the way to register for voting and many such information. The person also gets information on how to stop exploitation of votes. Thus, public information model is very much essential and government and public relation departments should try to make it reach maximum people all over the world.

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