美国论文代写迪尤肯大学 :金融投资
本报告旨在讨论发达国家公司(A) - 发展中国家的银行和金融服务提供商的投资情况。选定的发达国家是美利坚合众国,选定的发展中国家是印度。A在美国的公司涉及银行和金融服务,并希望在印度设立或投资作为其在全球开展业务的外国投资。A公司几乎在美国各地经营,为投资银行,消费者金融服务,小型银行和商业解决方案,金融交易处理,股票基金和资产管理提供解决方案。在印度,投资银行是一个新领域,几乎处于初始化阶段,因为这里只有少数特许会计师(CA)或金融背景研究人员处理这项工作。印度的大多数投资银行业务属于知识流程外包公司(KPO)。
This report is aim to discuss about the investment of company in developed country (A) – A Banking and Financial services provider in to the developing country. The chosen developed country is United States of America and chosen developing country is India. The company A in USA is involved in banking and financial services and wants to set up or invest money in to India as its foreign investment to establish the business globally. The company A operates in almost all part of the USA and provides the solution for investment banking, financial services for consumers, small banking and business solutions, financial transaction processing, equity fund and asset management. In India the investment banking is a new field and almost is at the stage of initialization because here only few Chartered Accountants (CAs) or financial background graduate people handle the job. The majority of investment banking in India belongs to Knowledge Process outsourcing firms (KPOs).