全球化已经把我们变成了一个搜索世界的公司,不仅仅是出售或采购,而是寻找智力资本 - 世界上最优秀的人才和最伟大的创意 - 杰克韦尔奇。计算机技术,电子邮件,廉价电话联系人,喷气式飞机,巨大的远洋船只和即时资本流动,大大增加了全球人类社会的步伐,使世界变得比以往更加独立。由于近代现代化的进步,思想,文化,传统,财务,产品和经济之间的交流变得更加不稳定和短暂,迫使每个小公司或大公司走向全球化并使自己国际化,在竞争中保持活力。
Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital – the world’s best talents and greatest ideas’ – Jack Welch. Computer technology, emails, cheap telephone contacts, jet airplanes, huge oceangoing vessels and instant capital flows has dramatically increased the pace of human societies across the globe and have made the world much more independent than ever. Due to the advancements made in the recent modern era the interchange between ideas, cultures, traditions, finances, products and economies have become much more volatile and transitory forcing every little or big company to go global and internationalize themselves, keeping alive in the competition.