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日期: 2018年10月08日


纽约时报的一篇文章称,“当Facebook用户点击其Facebook页面上的广告时,该用户的大部分时间信息都会传递给公司,即使Facebook声称它维护用户的隐私和安全性”。当记者采访Facebook的创始人时,他说“人们刚刚提交了它。我不知道为什么。他们“相信我。“BBC新闻称,Socialbots越来越多地被网络犯罪分子利用,获取重要信息和凭证信息。在线社交网络安全性不如我们的想像,当您在Facebook上玩游戏时,隐私设置会使用户的信息可用于商业用途,您无需再次登录即可查看您的Facebook页面,要下载的应用程序到您的个人资料并将您的个人资料提供给第三方。人们应该注销,如果人们不注销,其他人可能会用你的账户做其他事情,他们可能会欺骗朋友的钱。有时我们的信息会公开,您的隐私设置会恢复为公开默认设置。回到“朋友”的主题,有些人会接受他们得到的任何朋友请求,无论他们是否认识这些人。拥有1000个朋友的人,可能意味着他们必须不知道所有这些,但你正在向他们分享大量信息。这是一个严重的问题。您的个人资料,照片,家人和朋友的姓名,甚至是您的姐姐,与您有关系。您可能不想让他们知道这些信息。此外,当你玩Facebook时可能会出现一些链接,从不点击包含电子邮件的链接是一个好主意。因为大多数都是垃圾邮件,其中一些可能窃取了您的信息或密码。简单的密码也可以让人轻易猜到。 Facebook将询问您的电子邮件和您的电子邮件密码,以便访问您的地址簿,以帮助您找到更多的朋友,他们在您的电子邮件列表中,这意味着您的电子邮件和您的电子邮件密码存储在您的facebook数据库。人们需要关注它,Facebook可以看到你所有的电子邮件,如果他们不保密你的私人信息怎么办?在太阳报中有一则消息称,女性偷走了另一个女性的Facebook帐户,与男性聊天,然后他们在网上与男性进行了网络游戏。除非男人在Oxford Circus Tube面前看到现实生活中真正的女人,否则他们都知道真相。假女人使用真实女人的所有照片,假装她与男人交谈。 “”经验告诉我,你在互联网上发布的任何内容都不会消失。人们在张贴孩子和他们的生活照片时应该小心。“真正的女人说。


A article in New York Time states, “ When a Facebook user clicked on an advertisement on his or her Facebook page, most of the time information of that user is passed on to the companies, even though Facebook claims that it maintains users privacy and security”.  When the reporter interviewed the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, he said “ People just submitted it. I don’t know why. They “trust me.” Dumb f—s.” BBC news said Socialbots are increasingly being used by internet criminals, gaining access to important and credential information. Online social network security is not good as our imaging, the privacy settings will make user’s information available for commercial use when you play game on Facebook, you don’t need to sign in again to look at your Facebook page, the application to be downloaded to your profile and gives your profile to third parties. People should logout all the time, if people don’t logout, someone else may do other things you’re your account, they may deceive money from your friends. Sometimes our information is made public, your privacy settings are back to a public default. Back to the topic of “Friends”, some people accept any friend request they get, whether they know the people or not. The people who have 1,000 friends, it likely means they must not know all of them, but you are sharing lots of information to them. This is a serious problems. Your profile, your photo, your family and friend’s name, even who is your sister, who have relationship with you. Those information you may don’t want to let them know. Also, it may appear some links when you play Facebook, never click on a link contain e-mail message is a good idea. Because most of them are junk emails, some of it probably stole your information or password. Easy password also can let people guess easily. Facebook will ask your e-mail and your e-mail password in order to access your address book to help you find more friends whose in your e-mail list, that means your e-mail and your e-mail password are stored inside your facebook database. People need to concerned about it, facebook can see all your e-mail, what if they don’t keeping your private information private? In The Sun have one news that a women stole another women’s Facebook account, chat with a men then they did cybersex with men online. Unless the man see the true women in the real life in front of the Oxford Circus Tube, they all know the truth. The fake women use all the picture of the true women, pretend her to talk with the man. “”The experience has shown me that nothing you post on the internet ever goes away. People should be careful when posting pictures of their kids and their lives.” Said by the true women.

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