日期: 2018年10月15日
随着零售业进入前所未有的快速变化和市场不确定时期,时尚零售商越来越需要在所有运营领域进行改进。必须征服的时尚零售商的主要障碍(以及其他一些挑战)是复杂性,伸展性和适应性。无论零售商是否在不同的全球地点开设店铺,越来越相互依赖的经济增加了复杂性。即使全球运营仅限于“只是购买” - 在庞大的地理区域运营也会带来一系列问题。其中包括:独特的民族文化,不同的语言,极端的经济发展,监管多样性,以及新的和可能难以破译的客户。另一个挑战是管理充足的供应链运作。零售商需要扩大其供应链的范围,以利用低成本国家采购的收益,并且他们需要扩展功能性能力。我们的意思是从“制造者”演变为“移动者”到“积分器”。
As the retail sector enters an unprecedented period of rapid change and market uncertainty, there is a growing need for fashion retailers to improve in all operational domains. The major obstacles (along with some other challenges) for fashion retailers that have to be conquered are complexity, stretch and adaptation. Regardless of whether a retailer is setting up shop in disparate global locations, increasingly interdependent economies magnify complexity. Even if global operations are limited to “just purchasing”—operating in sprawling geographies brings with it a raft of issues. Among them: unique national cultures, different languages, extremes of economic development, regulatory diversity, and new and likely hard to decipher- customers. The other challenge is the management of adequate supply chain operations. Retailers need to expand the reach of their supply chains to leverage gains from low-cost country sourcing, and they need to extend the functional capabilities. By that we mean evolve from “maker” to “mover” to “integrator.”