最强美国论文代写推荐:test method
最强美国论文代写推荐:test method
最强美国论文代写推荐:test method
Engel and Granger (1987) found a method to test the long-run equilibrium between series in statistics. Their method is called Engel-Granger two-step procedure. Engel-Granger two-step procedure is developed to test the null hypothesis that there’s no co-integration relationships existing in a pair of I (1) series. They used ordinary least squares method to estimate a stationary relationship between these variables, then use the unit root test to test the residuals. Rejecting the existence of unit root null hypothesis is the evidence of the existence of a co-integration relationship.
An alternative approach of co-integration test is proposed by Johansen (1988), who developed a maximum likelihood estimation method for multivariate co-integration tests. The method can test the linear constraints of co-integrating vectors, and has solved the problem of test accuracy of symmetry and proportionality conditions. This procedure is very complex, but the result can be easily obtained by some Statistical analysis software packages (for instance, Eviews7). Further details can be found in Johansen and Juselius (1990) and Johansen (1991). Compared to three-variable system, two-variable system uses more co-integration techniques.
The main difference between these two methods is that the Engel-Granger two-step procedure uses the single-equation techniques, and the Johansen co-integration test uses a multi-equation technique. So Johansen co-integration test has fewer limitations in the assumptions the application fields.