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首页 > 论文代写案例 > 美国论文代写:国际化的挑战与优势




到目前为止,我们已经分析了各种规模的Elecdyne,如SWOT,PORTAL五个因素和PESTEL。现在我们知道Elecdyne国际化的挑战和优势。现在,为了实现工业化,我们需要制定战略。以下是要考虑的要点。考虑到所有因素,挑战和优势,可以得出结论,Elecdyne应该走向全球,并开始在中国等其他国家开展业务,在中国可以享受更低的工资,拥有熟练的人力资源,良好的基础设施,更大的市场和更低的竞争,公司需要制定详细的计划来开展这些活动。国际化可以使公司摆脱困境,并可以使公司在技术和财务上健全。高工资:与中国和东欧不同,日本的劳动力成本很高。这使得产品成本高,市场竞争力下降。许可费用上涨:Elecdyne从大公司购买许可证并制作电子产品。 Elecdyne购买许可证的公司正在将价格提高20%。它还将增加生产成本。熟练资源不足:Elecdyne需要研究学者进行研发,因为创新在电子商品市场中非常重要。 (Karan,2005)大多数研究学者都倾向于在大型本地或跨国公司中追求大包装。因此,Elecdyne缺乏熟练的人力资源和创新。本地市场竞争激烈:Elecdyne仅在市场有限且竞争激烈的情况下在日本销售。像索尼和东芝这样的大公司提供的产品种类更多,价格更低,而Elecdyne肯定无法满足当前产能。限制市场:日本不是一个非常大的市场。消费者的收入很高,但数量有限。因此,所有公司都在努力争取他们的份额。有限的财务资源:公司财务资源非常有限,无法在广泛的促销活动中付费。此外,在招聘熟练员工和重新授权技术方面也没有条件。


So far we have analyzed Elecdyne on various scales like SWOT, PORTAL five factors and PESTEL. By this now we know the challenges and advantages of internationalization of Elecdyne. Now in order to go ahead with industrialization we need to derive a strategy. For the same following are the points to be considered.Considering all factors, challenges and advantages, it can be concluded that Elecdyne should go global and start operation in other countries like China, where it can enjoy lower wages, availability of skilled human resources, good infrastructure, bigger market and lower competition. Company needs to develop a detailed plan to start these activities. Internationalization can take company out of trouble and can make the company technologically and financially sound. High wages:  Japan has high labor costs unlike china and Eastern Europe. This makes cost of product high and less competitive in the market.Rising cost of license: Elecdyne buys license from big companies and make electronic items. Companies from which Elecdyne buys license are increasing price by 20%. It will also increase cost of production.Unavailability of skilled resources: Elecdyne needs research scholars to carry R&D as innovation is very important in electronic good market. (Karan,2005) Most of the research scholars prefer to go after big package in big local or multinational companies. So Elecdyne was lacking in skilled human resource and innovation.High competition in local market: Elecdyne sells in Japan only where market is limited and competition is tough. Big companies like Sony and Toshiba offer more variety in product with lesser price which Elecdyne certainly cannot do with current capacity.Limited Market: Japan is not a very big market. Consumer is high earning but number is limited. So all companies fight to take their share of pie. Limited financial resources: Company enjoys very limited financial resources and not able to expense in extensive promotional activities. Also it is not in condition to spend in hiring skilled employees and re-license technology.

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