营销是一个识别需求和需要的过程,也称为客户的问题,然后通过产品和服务形式的各种解决方案来满足这些需求和需要。换句话说,营销是在产品中创造价值,然后将这些价值传达给客户的过程,客户最终将通过购买组织销售的产品或服务的行为来决定组织的营销过程的效果(Pride& Ferrell,2004)。
营销并不像其定义中所述那么简单,但营销是关于如何向目标市场销售产品或服务然后再通过引发重复销售和创造忠诚度来销售相同产品的整体观点。没有有效的营销策略,营销过程就不完整。营销策略是由组织设定的一组定义的规则,以诱导和补充营销过程。换句话说,营销策略是行动计划,它定义了组织如何有效地使用促销活动,细分等各种营销资源,以便实现有效的营销,并实现组织的目标。 (Sandhusen,2000)。
Marketing is a process of identifying the needs and wants also known as problems of the customers and then trying to satisfy these needs and wants through the various solutions in the forms of products and services. In other words marketing is a process of creating value in the product and then communicating these values to the customer who will ultimately decide how effective the marketing process of an organization is through their action of buying a product or service marketed by an organization (Pride & Ferrell, 2004) .
Marketing is not as simple as stated in its definition, however marketing is a holistic view as to how to sell a product or service to the target market and then again selling the same product there by inducing repetitive selling and creating loyalty. Marketing process is incomplete without an effective marketing strategy in place. Marketing strategy is a defined set of rules set by the organization in order to induce and complement the process of marketing. In other words marketing strategies are the plans of action which defines how the various marketing resources like promotion activities, segmenting, etc. are effectively used by the organization so as to have an efficient marketing in place and there by the goals of the organization are achieved (Sandhusen, 2000).