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首页 > 论文代写案例 > 英国毕业论文代写:啤酒行业案例研究


日期: 2019年02月20日


首先,本文在分析北京市场的宏观营销环境和主要竞争对手之前,阐述了本课题的背景和哈尔滨啤酒在北京的发展现状。在此基础上,通过SWOT分析,我们对以下内容进行了定性分析。通过对2012年3月至2013年6月间的销售进行定量分析,构建了完善的系统理论,分析了公司在该市场的促销效果。最后,通过合并定性和定量分析,我们尝试制定一套系统的理论分析系统,可以用来从理论上评价啤酒行业的促销(主要是礼品促销方法),并指导完成这一策略。在市场调研的基础上,通过一个案例研究,通过调查和分析获得的数据,典型营销理论通过回归分析方法,本文不仅为哈尔滨啤酒公司未来的营销策略提供指导,而且为公司以及啤酒行业提供经验和教训。中国现代啤酒行业是从西方国家引进的。根据历史记载,1900年俄罗斯人在哈尔滨建立了Ulubulevskij啤酒厂,成为中国最早的啤酒酿造厂。 1903年,英国和德国商人联合成立了英德啤酒有限公司(作为哈尔滨啤酒厂的前身),啤酒生产能力约为300吨。 1916年,它被转移到日本企业Bakushu Kabushiki Kaisha Jouzou,年产量为3000吨。 1945年,它被中华民国接管运作。从1900年到1949年的半个世纪,中国在哈尔滨,北京,沉阳,上海,烟台,广州等地区仅建立了十几家啤酒厂,年产量约3万多吨。 1949  -  1978年间,经过恢复阶段,自主开发阶段和自我发展阶段,啤酒产量增长缓慢。然而,中国啤酒业仅在1979年后的十年间取得了显着的发展,年增长率超过30%。 20世纪80年代,中国啤酒酿造厂在中国迅速崛起。


Firstly, this thesis illustrates the context of this topic and the development status of Harbin Beer in Beijing, before analysing the macro-marketing environment and the primary competitors in the Beijing market.Based on this and a SWOT analysis,we qualitatively analyse the follow-up operations of Harbin Beer in the Beijing market.Through a subsequent quantitative analysis of sales between March 2012 and June 2013, a perfect system theory has been constructed to analyse the effect of the company’s promotions in this market.Finally, through amalgamating the qualitative and quantitative analysis, we attempt to formulate a set of systematic theoretical analysis systems, which can be used to theoretically evaluate beer industry promotions (mainly gift promotion method), and which will guide the completion of this strategy.On the basis of marketing research, in light of typical marketing theories,by means of a case study, and through investigating and analysing the obtained data by a regression analysis method, this paper aim to not only provide guidance for Harbin Brewery Co.’s future marketing strategies, but also provide experience and lessons for the company, as well as the beer industry in general.Modern beer industry in China was introduced from the western countries. According to historical records, in 1900 the Russians established Ulubulevskij Beer Brewery in Harbin as the earliest beer brewery on Chinese soil. In 1903, the British and German merchants jointly established the Anglo-German Brewery Co. Ltd (as the predecessor of Harbin Beer Brewery) with beer production capacity of about 300 tons. In 1916, it was transferred to a Japanese enterprise, Bakushu Kabushiki Kaisha Jouzou, with annual bear production of 3000 tons. In 1945, it was taken over by the Republic of China for operation. For half a century from 1900 to 1949, China only founded a dozen of beer breweries in Harbin, Beijing, Shenyang, Shanghai, Yantai, Guangzhou and other regions with annual production of about over 30,000 tons. During 1949-1978, through recovery stage, independent development stage and self-development stage, the beer production grew slowly. However, Chinese beer industry achieved significant development only during the ten years after 1979 with an annual growth of over 30%. In 1980s, Chinese beer breweries sprang out rapidly across China.

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