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首页 > 论文代写案例 > 代写美国论文:酒店管理行业的发展与人才管理






The hospitality industry in United Kingdom is currently flourishing. It has demanded a need for extremely efficient HR specialists in order to manage and retain talents for longer run. The competition is already taken into consideration by the companies that are serving in the hospitality sector (CIPD, 2007). On approaching the talent management, the companies attempt to develop instead of talent recruitment. In addition to the formal training that is arranged for the employees, the processes of talent – spotting and individuals development are carried out by the line managers. Financial incentive is yet another option to retain the talent and develop them (CIPD, 2007). The talent mobility is the prime area of focus among several companies that serve in the hospitality industry. The employment relationship displays a new idea or a theme to manage the talents in the private sector. Hence, the strategies are not with respect to the conventional methods. Instead, they are deployed by the companies in UK based on the needs and the internal environment. The organization – wide definition of talent and the talent management differs from one organization to the other in the hospitality industry (CIPD, 2007). By this way, the employees are retained and competitive advantage is gained. Majority of the companies follow strategic approach and deploy a combination of formal and informal methods. There is a need for development of processes in order to remain on track with the performance as well as study the progress of the people who are regarded as talent by the organization. HR specialist is specifically trained in order to work on the aspect of talent management (CIPD, 2007). The development of the hospitality management industry has a direct relationship with the talent management. The research has clearly shown that the organization’s development is one implication of a successful talent management. On the other hand, there are sufficient hospitality careers. The implications are highly evident only on the development of organization. Several companies in hospitality sector have invested larger sums on the talent management. This sector is found to have the capacity to change the game. This is possible with the right technologies on place. In addition to it, the human capital management soon after the recession will help on the satisfaction and retention. Talent and organization tend to form a good combination. The level of success is actually unknown (CIPD, 2007). However, it is believed that the combination will be a tasty recipe provided the talent is rightly managed. This industry is believed to influence several other sectors that are present in the market.

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