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根据结果,建议提出以下建议。这些纯粹基于财务比率的结果和分配中给出的图表,但不是基于记录销售记录增加的新闻重新发布。大众汽车的盈利能力很好,资产周转率也很好。然而,该公司应该更多地关注提高其销售和流动性比率。与去年相比,EPS更好。市盈率也略有改善。根据股票表现图表,股价波动很大,表明波动性很大。然而,自2010年以来,价格没有像前几年那样出现大的波动。交易量是许多投资者在投资公司之前寻求的主要指标之一;它也多年来一直在减少。近年来,图中观察到的交易量大大减少。根据比率,公司的表现不如竞争对手好。除盈利率外,公司需要改善所有其他比率。即使市盈率也不比竞争对手好。股息收益率也比去年有所下降。因此,如果潜在买家想要获得良好的投资回报,他们应该等待更多时间购买股票。已经拥有它们的股东可以保留它们直到获得合理的利润。他们应该在获得足够的利润时卖掉它们。由于股价波动,即使股东想要在市场上出售股票,购买它们的买家也可能较少。交易量表明了这一点。因此,现有股东可以寻求出售的机会。 “战略”是自过去十年以来最受欢迎的术语之一。这是因为良好的策略对于业务的成功至关重要。所有职能部门的业务主要目标都可以通过在组织层面和部门层面制定和实施战略来实现(Wickramsinghe和Alawattage,2007)。战略管理是一种创造有利环境并帮助组织蓬勃发展的技术。战略管理的关键是了解在组织中进行沟通和合作的人员。每个组织在战略管理方面的经验都不同。它反映了组织的环境,文化,财产,结构和管理风格,以及其他组织特征(Morrison和Wilson,2006)。


Based on the results, the following recommendations are suggested. These are purely based on the results of financial ratios and the graph given in the assignment, but not on the press rerelease that states that the record increase in sales. Volkswagen’s profitability is well and asset turnover ratio is also good. Yet, the company should focus more on improving its sales and liquidity ratios. The EPS is better when compared to the previous year. P/E ratio also slightly improved. Based on the graph of share performance, the share price is heavily fluctuating which indicates high volatility. However, there have been no major fluctuations in the price since 2010 as they had in the earlier years. The trade volume is one of the main indicators that many investors seek before investing in a company; it also has been decreased over the years. In recent years, much less trade volumes are observed in the graph. Based on the ratios, the company’s performance is not as good as their competitor. Except profitability ratios, the company needs to improve all other ratios. Even P/E ratio is also not better than their competitor. The dividend yield has also decreased from the last year. Hence, the potential buyers should wait for some more time to buy the share if they want to get good return on their investment. The shareholders who already hold them can retain them until they get reasonable profit. They should sell them when they get adequate profits. As the share price is volatile, even if the shareholders want to sell the shares in the market there may be less buyers to buy them. The trade volumes indicate this. Hence the existing shareholders can seek the opportunity to sell. ‘Strategic’ is one of the most popular term since the last decade. This is because good strategies are essential for the success of the business. The main objectives of the business at all functional disciplines can be achieved by developing and implementing the strategies at organizational as well as divisional levels (Wickramsinghe and Alawattage, 2007). Strategic management is a technique which creates a favourable environment and helps the organization to flourish. The key to strategic management is to understand the people that are communicating and working together in the organization. Each organization’s experience with strategic management is different. It reflects the environment, culture, properties, structure and management style of the organization, and other organizational features if any (Morrison and Wilson, 2006).

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