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英国毕业论文辅导:project management


英国毕业论文辅导:project management


英国毕业论文辅导:project management

This chapter deals with several guidelines on the theoretical part and the reference frame which incorporates literature review of the various artifacts and the previous researches that are done on project management models, improving the delivery of the projects, Six Sigma model and DMADV methodology and the various impacts they have in Project Management. The chapter will mainly provide the basis for the empirical research that is part of this thesis.In order to overcome the problems faced by the companies in determining the timeline, cost as well as getting the specification for the rollouts have made Six Sigma models quite important and inevitable to be implemented as part of the Project Plan in order to render flawless projects in this dynamic and ever-changing Telecom Industry. Finding out the crucial area of use of Six Sigma is a critical success factor for the Telecom companies. The delivery as well as the performance of the projects depends solely on three major aspects of time, expense (cost of the project) and quality delivered.However, there are several proofs in theTelecom sector that even after adhering to the best practices the projects have failed in the 3 important criteria and have resulted in low performance and werehighly susceptible in the outcome of the project due to non-utilizationof the appropriateproject management methodology. Time and money play a very critical role in the deployment of the projects in the telecom industry as the critical projects need to be addressed in the most appropriate manner in order to deliver them on time, else it might incur additional costs for the company and ultimately affect the operational profits. In these scenarios, Six Sigma plays a very crucial role in addressing these issues and thereby rendering effective project delivery.Project management is a developed area of management which is highly crucial in any company or industry. It involves several processes like planning, streamlining, aligning as well as delivering the objectives of the organization with the use of several resources, like human capital and financial capital for process improvements and growth. This area of management also focuses on the key areas of human resource utilization, increasing productivity, cost reduction as well as implementing the best practices for process improvements. The implementation of the new methods mainly helps in bringing about the affectivity as well as efficiency of the Projects that are part of the delivery process. It also helps in focusing on the essential component of continued growth through process improvements. Project management is one of crucial tools that is essential in order to attain competitive edge over the rivals in sector and private business, help in improving the internal operations, respond back quickly to opportunities that are prevalent in the market, attain innovations in technology, and most importantly cater the organization in coping upwith the extremities that arise from the various business prospects. Project management serves as a brilliant technical tool to train future executives in most entities such as budget selection, resource allocation, planning, scheduling and fast tracking their project.

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