存在于燃料中的加热阀对于车辆中的动力产生是重要的。生物柴油发动机加热这些阀门所需的更多动力导致车辆产生的动力减少,并且还需要更多动力来产生所需的输出。需要更多热量的原因是因为生物柴油液体比化石燃料更粘稠和密度更高(Xue,et al。,2011,pp.1098-1116)。为了克服这个问题,将氧化铝和碳纳米管混合到生物柴油中。发现这是从生物燃料产生热量所需的过剩功率的有效解决方案。这导致了纳米添加剂混合水乳化燃料的发展。生物柴油组合物是76%生物柴油液体,20%水4%表面活性剂和纳米管。该研究表明,燃料的热效率显着提高,制动能力也有所提高。排放测试还证明,气体排放物含有较少的污染物(Basha,2014)。需要开展更多研究,以了解本研究在现实世界中的可行性。
Modernization in the societies has lead to excessive usage of the existing fossil fuels. Fossil fuels damage the environment and are in limited reserves. Development of Biodiesel and Biodiesel compatible engine is the most promising alternative for this issue. Currently 20 % biodiesel is mixed with 80% petroleum products i.e. B20 Biodiesel engines are used. The ultimate notion is to bring in 100 % biodiesel engines i.e. B100 Biodiesel engines in the future. Biodiesel has numerous benefits and there are some limitations that need to be addressed in order to implement biodiesel in a large scale.
This is one of the most significant researches in the current time owing to the depletion of fossil fuels, environmental hazards due to fossil fuels and the abundance of range of raw products for biofuel in the environment.Biodiesel and Biodiesel Compatible Engine:
The heating valves present in fuels are important for the generation of power in the vehicles. More power in needed for the biodiesel engines to heat these valves causes reduction in power produced by the vehicles and also it needs more power to produce the desired output. The reason for the need for more heat is because biodiesel liquids are more viscous and denser than fossil fuels (Xue, et al.,2011, pp. 1098-1116). In order to overcome this issue the Alumina and Carbon nanotubes was mixed into the biodiesel. This was found to be an effective solution to the excess power needed for generating heat from biofuels. This lead to the development of Nano-additive blended water emulsified fuel. The biodiesel composition was 76% biodiesel liquid, 20% water 4 % surfactants and nanotube. This research showed a significant improvement over the thermal efficiency of the fuel and also increased brake capacity. The emission tests also proved that the gaseous emissions contained lesser number of pollutants (Basha, 2014). More research needs to be undertaken to see the feasibility of this study in real world situations.