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美国论文代写丹佛大学:Valley Winery

日期: 2019年05月28日


美国论文代写丹佛大学:Valley Winery

Valley Winery目前的组织结构图是基于客户部门的销售结构。一个是Safeway分部,另一个是Lucky-Alpha Beta分部。 Safeway部门的销售代表为Albertson和Cala Foods提供服务。当销售代表被分配到一类帐户时,他将能够产生更有效的输出,因为他可以专注于该类的需求和要求。 Valley Winery的销售代表分为三组; (a)酒类及酒吧,(b)餐厅,度假村,酒店及汽车旅馆及(c)连锁店。销售结构的另一个有效方面是Valley Winery针对三种销售类别明确定义的性别标准,这些标准增加了公司销售的有效性。

Valley Winery通过经销商销售。经销商Valley Winery拥有50%的经销商。其经销商包括酒类商店,酒吧,餐厅,度假村,酒店,汽车旅馆和连锁店。其中,连锁店是Valley Winery的主要账户。一致的质量和最低的产品价格是Valley Winery取得进步的关键。该公司拥有严格和良好的质量管理体系,因此自1933年以来,他们不会在葡萄酒和蒸馏酒的质量上妥协。Valley Winery的第二个主要关键点是他们的定价。他们以最低的市场价格向客户收费。他们热衷于保持瓶内产品的质量,而不是瓶子的展示。

在分销商的业绩受到质疑的情况下,向前整合对Valley Winery很有帮助。在案例中描述,购买旧金山分销商通过将销售代表的数量从15个增加到50个,使该领域的销售业绩大幅增加。这与由于高周转率而缺乏经验的情况没有直接关系。但是,前向整合对于延长员工的工作期/经验,尤其是销售代表,可以间接地非常有用。销售代表的表现可以集中精力并进行评估。

美国论文代写丹佛大学:Valley Winery

The current organizational chart of Valley Winery is customer division based sales structure. One is Safeway division and the other is Lucky-Alpha Beta division. Safeway division’s sale reps provide services to Albertson’s and Cala Foods. When sales rep is assigned to one class of accounts he would be able to produce more effective output as he can concentrate on the demands and requirements of that class. The division of sales reps in Valley Winery has been done in 3 groups; (a) liquors and bars, (b) restaurants, resorts, hotels and motels and (c) chain stores. Another effective aspect of sales structure is Valley Winery’s well-defined gender criteria for the three types of sales classes which add to the effectiveness in sales of the company.
Valley Winery is selling through the distributors. Among the distributors Valley Winery owns 50% distributors. Its distributors include Liquor stores, bars, restaurants, resorts, hotels, motels and chain stores. Among all, chain stores are the major accounts of Valley Winery. Consistent quality and minimum prices of the products is the key to progress for Valley Winery. The company has a strict and well-performing quality management system due to which they do not compromise on the quality of wines and distilled spirits since 1933. The second major key point of Valley Winery is their pricing. They charge their customers with minimum rates in the market. They are keen to maintain the quality of the product inside the bottle instead of presentation of bottle.
Forward integration is helpful for Valley Winery in the case where performance of distributor has been put into question. A described in the case, purchasing the San Francisco distributor made a gigantic increase in the performance of sales in this area by increasing number of sales reps from 15 to 50. This is not directly related to the case of lack of experience due to high turnover. But forward integration can be extremely useful indirectly to prolong the job period/experience of the employees, especially sales reps. Performance of sales rep can be focused and evaluated watchfully. 

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