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美国论文代写:Are commodity markets efficient? - A critical review of the literature

According to Gilson & Kraakman, (2014) the definition of efficient markets as those which provide a framework by which interested parties are able to make predictions concerning future of the business and the market. Market efficiency is therefore based on the ability to determine the valuation of a company in the near or further future. The market may be defined as efficient if the market value of a traded asset exhibits all information available concerning the asset. The market therefore achieves its efficiency value through predictions that are accurate and unbiased. Hodrick, (2014) supports that the above information may be valid, and more probably so due to the fact that weakly efficient markets are those which are only able to predict the futures market to a certain limit. Most of these weak frameworks for future predictions depict information only as wide as the cost of adding new information and benefit of the information’s extent. Efficiency in this type of definition therefore depends on the arbitration between traders which often results to biased outcomes (Hodrick, 2014). The efficiency of the market therefore is the value of its predictability and patterns which govern the growth and decline of the market.


虽然对期货市场的效率进行了多次实证研究,但关于可能用于描述或确定市场效率的理论应用方面却没有太多的研究。大宗商品市场和其他市场的效率对于有关各方来说非常重要,因为学者和分析人士代表投资者和商业官员。院士们受益于市场人口统计学,因为他们提供了预测模型的实际应用,从而有机会进行评估和纠正。另一方面,投资者及其代表观察商品市场趋势及其结果,以做出准确的商业决策。 Kellard等人(1999)提出,来自不同领域的研究人员也对定义市场趋势的模型,模式和框架感兴趣。这些领域包括数学和统计学,物理学,心理学和其他科学。有效市场理论解释了各种市场中金融资产的可预测性,从而解释了市场参与者的推测股价。从Gilson&Kraakman(2014)看,关注可用信息的市场效率及其对资产价值的影响不一定是金融市场效率的唯一方面。作者的解释是,基于有关市场价值的信息的效率只是信息性的。

美国论文代写:Are commodity markets efficient? - A critical review of the literature

While there are several empirical studies on the efficiency of the futures market, there is not much done concerning the theoretical applications that may be used to describe or determine efficiency of the market. Efficiency for commodity markets as well as other  markets is of high importance to various parties such those concerned due to academics and analysts working on behalf of investors and business officials (Leuthold, 1979). Academicians benefit from market demographics since they provide real life applications of their predictive models allowing a chance for evaluation and correction. On the other hand, investors and their representatives observe commodity market trends and their outcomes to make accurate business decisions. Kellard et al., (1999), advances that researchers from various fields are also interested in the models, patterns and frameworks that define the market trends. These fields include mathematics and statistics, physics, psychology and other sciences. The efficient markets theory explains the predictability of financial assets in various markets and thus the presumed stock prices for market players. From Gilson & Kraakman, (2014) the market efficiency which focuses on available information and its impact on the value of the asset is not necessarily the only aspect of efficiency in the financial market. The authors’ explanations are that the efficiency which is based on the information available concerning the value of the market is only informational.



美国论文代写:Are commodity markets efficient? - A critical review of the literature

Other levels of efficiency in the market include the “operational” and the “allocative” market efficiency. The operational efficiency is mainly focused on the market microstructure which usually involves the factors that affect the business process (McKenzie & Holt, 2002). For instance, in the commodity markets, the operational efficiency will be determined based on the time taken for the company to complete a delivery or the proportion of successful and unsuccessful deliveries. Commodity markets which are said to be efficient are those in which the transaction costs are kept at their minimum (McKenzie & Holt, 2002).  Allocative efficiency may be best expressed based on the Pareto Efficiency framework. The Pareto efficiency is the perception in which the ability of the economy to make capital allocations for products such that no further reallocations may increase the national output. According toKristoufek & Vosvrda, (2014). the highly balanced Pareto efficiency is difficult to achieve since it is almost impossible to increase one allocation without leaving a certain commodity worse off than the rest of the economy. Capital flows may also be affected by the availability and demand for the commodity. For instance, after natural disasters there are limited commodity providers which foster a high price due to increased demand (Kristoufek & Vosvrda, 2014). When making predictions, the investors make predictions on the cost of anticipated or recent losses to determine future prices which causes inflation of price.

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