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Project control process will help in monitoring the progress of the project and handling any changes during the project development process. There are various procedures, tools and techniques to control a project and monitoring the progress. A common tool is reporting. There will be weekly or fortnightly reporting to the project manager and top level management respectively. Then there will be review of those reports to decide about the progress of the project. In the project schedule milestones will be set to track the progress of the project. There may be specific chats and forms for monitoring and tracking project progress. Using these forms the project team members can track the status of the processes. For example, the steps of installing servers can be tracked using a form. It will help to understand how many servers have been installed by what date.

Earn value management process can be used to track the cost of the project at any point of time during the project development life cycle. It considers the expected cost of the activities and resources consumed in the project so far and the actual cost for the same. Then comparing these two information it helps in deciding how the project is performing, is it under budget or over-running the cost.
Another aspect of project control is change request management or change control. Change request may come during any time of the project development process. This is more likely to happen if the requirements are unclear. There will be change request forms. It will contain information about the requested change, possible impact of the change request etc. the project manager will review the form, will analyze the impact and set priority on the request. Then it will be passed to the project management. Reviewing the change request and the review from the project manager, top level management will decide whether to implement the change request or not. According to the decision, the project manager will incorporate the change request into the project management process.

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