A thematic composition of power in buyer seller relationships is presented in research. In the thematic composition, organizational, individual and relational power, variables are identified in the buyer seller exchange relationship. In the context of organizational power variables, some of them identified are the market environment, commercial attractiveness, etc. The market environment aspects noticed here are the level of competition that suppliers and buyers understand to be in the market. There are other suppliers or buyers in the market who are seen to offer better quality or pricing (Sriram et al., 1992). The reputation of supplier or buyer are also some of the influential aspects and in terms of the commercial attractiveness, it can be noticed that the level of dependency, the business risks, the monetary values of products moved from supplier to buyer and the quality would have an influential effect. At the individual level, power in buyer supplier relationship is based on knowledge, skills, the profile etc.
In terms of the individual buyer and seller, their knowledge such as the organizational market knowledge, the knowledge of objectives, opinions etc., would be a significant part in the structuring of power. Secondly, in terms of skills, the leadership elements, and the negotiation elements, could play a very critical role in how power is understood. In addition, other elements such as the profile, status, personality and charisma will also have an impact on power. In terms of the relational aspect, some of the attributes to be noted in association with power are the relationship focus and the outcomes focus (Laseter, 1998). Now in the relationship focus, the level of respect shown, the commitment, empathy, the use of personality for building relationship, rationality of thinking and more are seen to lead to better origins of power use. When suppliers and buyers can use this integrated understanding of power in a better way, only then they would be able to build better relationships and have better performance procurement.