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首页 > 论文代写案例 > 英国论文代写利物浦大学:飞艇设计


日期: 2019年07月15日






An airship has an integrated motor driven propeller that aid the airship to maneuver and navigate in the air. This airship can be divided into three kinds. It is rigid, semi-rigid and non-rigid. There are some characteristic features that can be used to divide the three kinds. It has been observed that for the rigid kind of airship, there is an internal metal frame that is used to maintain the envelope shape. In the case of semi rigid airship, there is a shape that is maintained by the rigid keels which runs through the length of the envelope. The non-rigid kind has an internal pressure of lifting gas. This is helium and it aids in the maintenance of the envelope shape. The project is about designing and building solar powered airship that is integrated with the propulsion system. During the initial stage of this project, the best shape was construed by considering only a few variables that were related to the aerodynamic characteristic and stability. It was found that the mylar material was proposed and built.
This was durable and lightweight that is used in the envelope of the airship. It was found that the helium gas is used to test the wind tunnel to decide the best shape and contortion for the envelope. Added to this, the solar modules need power to ensure that the airship has been designed as per requirements. The amount of voltage and the current output of the solar mound. According to previous research and analysis, it has been that the amount of voltage and current output of the solar modules is needed to meet the rating of the battery. The battery has been considered as the main power source of the airship. This battery is used to power and provide energy for other related components. This includes propulsion and the control systems. The solar modules in this system design are used to only charge the battery. The propulsion and the control system are critical for the project. The propulsion system is used to provide airship with the ability to float in air, while it is being controlled by the control system. 

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