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首页 > 论文代写案例 > 美国论文代写:互联网俚语及其与社会的关系


日期: 2017年08月15日










短信服务(SMS)的发展,是现代互联网俚语使用的开始。面对用户使用有限数量的短语向接收者发送短消息的需求,人们不得不开发一种更好的方法来打败系统。短信的开始面临着挑战,包括发送的每个文本中使用的单词数量有限。因此,人们面临着传递短而一致信息的困难。然而,随着时间的推移,短语形式的发展和缩略词接管了短信平台。单词被缩减为几个字母,句子进一步缩短。 “to”或“too”等词语被表示为“2”,“come”被用作“cum”,“延迟”为“delyd”等等。这些话只要被接收者理解,没有其他重要的话就不遵守所有的语法规则和标点符号。撇号是缩短形式的词句中常见的避免标点,因为“我不在那里”成了“我不在那里”的标准。短信在互联网俚语的发展中起着至关重要的作用。

美国论文代写Internet Slang and Its Relation to Society

The development of the Short Message Service (SMS) was the beginning of the internet slang usage in the modern day. Faced with the need to deliver a short message to the recipient with a limited number of words usage, people had to develop a better way to beat the system. The onset of the SMS was faced with challenges that included limited number of words to be used within every text sent. Therefore, people were faced with difficulties of delivering short but coherent messages. However, with time, development of short form of words and abbreviations took over the SMS platform. Words were reduced to few letters and sentences were further shortened.  Words such as ‘to’ or ‘too’ were being represented as ‘2’, ‘come’ was being used as ‘cum’, ‘delayed’ as ‘delyd’ and so forth. These words disobeyed all the grammatical rules and punctuations as long as the message was delivered and understood by the recipient nothing else mattered (GURICOVÁ, 2014). Apostrophe were the common avoided punctuations in the shortened form of words and sentences as ‘I wasn’t there’ became a norm to be used as ‘I wasnt there’. The SMS played a critical part in the development of the internet slang.


社交网站和聊天功能进入现场,把互联网俚语的发展推上了从短信中断的地步。社交论坛是非正式的场所,在这些平台中,语言的所有正式用法和表达都被抛出窗外。全球数百万人访问的Facebook等网站成为各行各业人士见面和分享共同目标和利益的最佳场所。由于在这些环境中的非正式性,人们使用的语言和句子结构打破了语言的所有规则。伴随着聊天的服务,通过键入字符的组合键入表情和情绪的发展。例如:-)被用作笑脸: - *用来表示一个吻, - :用来表达悲伤,青少年和年轻人经常使用的聊天服务促进了互联网俚语与同龄人聊天时,这些用户并不关心语言的使用,而是将他们的信息传递给他人,由于需要在一次聊天中分享更多的内容,长的单词和句子被缩减为3-10个字母的单词使用ROTFLOLPMP这个词的意思是“滚动在地板上大声地笑,在我的裤子里撒尿”,而ROTFLMAAOBPO用来表示“滚动在地板上笑我的身体和其他部位”这些是完整的句子结构,可能需要一段时间的写作和撰写反对他们缩短,只有10个字母和消息被用户理解,沟通的主要目的是为了让发件人和收件人互相了解。一旦达到这个目的,不管采用何种方法,形式和过程都不那么重要。因此,以最简短的形式传递信息的需求是导致互联网俚语发展的原因。

美国论文代写Internet Slang and Its Relation to Society

Social websites and chatting features came into scene and took the development of internet slang to another level from where the SMS had left off. The social forums are informal settings and in these platforms, all the formal usage and expression of the language is thrown out of the window. Sites such Facebook that is accessed by millions of people around the world became the best place where people from all walks could meet and share their common goals and interests. Due to the informalities in these settings, people used words and sentence structures that broke all the rules of the language. This was accompanied by chatting services that saw the development of emoticons that were used to express feelings and emotions by typing in a combination of keyboard characters. For example :-) was used a smiling face while :-* was used to represent a kiss and :-( was used in expressing sadness. The chatting services which were frequently used by teens and young adults amongst themselves contributed to the development of the internet slang. When chatting to their fellow age groups, these users did not care much about language use but rather passing their message across. With the need to share more within a single chat, long words and sentences were reduced to 3-10 letter word. Usage of the word ROTFLOLPMP is used to mean “Rolling on the floor laughing out loud and peeing in my pants” while ROTFLMAAOBPO is used to mean “ Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off and other body parts off” (Myers, 2014). These are full sentence structures that might take a while writing and composing opposed to their shortened which only has 10 letters and the message is understood by the users. The main purpose of communication is for the sender and recipient of the message to understand each other. Once this is achieved, regardless of the method, form, and process used becomes less significant. Therefore, the need to pass the message across in the most possible short form is what led to the development of the internet slang.

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