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首页 > 论文代写案例 > 澳洲论文代写梅铎大学:时尚与超现实主义




在各种时尚中,前卫时尚最吸引我。从各种时尚中,Avant garde时装最吸引我。Avant garde艺术在时装界的应用,前卫设计师是一个脱离传统设计或质疑服装与身体的局限性和关系的人。在前卫的时尚中,我们可以看到很多夸张的服装形式。他们大多看起来不寻常,不适合每天; 它显示了创造力的力量。超现实主义是影响前卫时尚的艺术文化; 一些设计师甚至可能从超现实主义的艺术作品中获得灵感。从20世纪到21世纪,我们有机会看到前卫时尚的发展。超现实主义是20世纪艺术和文学的主要文化运动之一。它强调直觉和无意识的思想。所以在超现实主义下,作品总是刻画梦与现实的矛盾。


From those various kinds of fashion, Avant-garde fashion attracts me the most. When Avant-garde art is applied in the fashion field, avant-garde designers are a person who is divorced from the traditional design or questioned the limitation and the relationship between clothing and the body(Geczy & Karaminas, Critical Fashion Practice: From Westwood to Van Beirendonck, 2017, p. 131). In the Avant-garde fashion, we can see a lot of exaggerating form of clothes. Most of them look unusual and not suitable for daily; it shows the power of creativity. Surrealism is the art culture affects the avant-garde fashion; some of the designers may even get the inspiration from the surrealist artwork. It is a chance for us to look at the development of the avant-garde fashion from 20th -21st century. Surrealism is one of the major culture movements in the 20th century in art and literature. It is emphasizing the intuition and unconscious mind. Therefore, under the surrealism, the work is always portraying the contradictory between dream and reality.


许多绘画,电影,文学和摄影甚至时尚都融合了超现实主义元素。 一些画家和设计师会根据无意识的思想去做他们的工作,比如Salvador Dali,Rene Magritte,Rei Kawakubo,Lee Alexander McQueen等等。一个艺术家可以用不合逻辑的方式表达自己; 因此,超现实主义的艺术品充满了意想不到的惊喜,总是会冲击观众的心灵。 这是一个重大的艺术运动,影响了我们的美学,打破了我们的常识,充满创造性。因此,在超现实主义下,我们可以看到世界的不同。通过前卫时尚,我们可以理解时尚与艺术文化是高度相关的。本文会谈到时尚与超现实主义的关系。


There are many painting, films, literature and photography even fashion had integrated surrealistic elements. Some of the painter and designers will do their work based on the idea of unconscious mind, such as Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte, Rei Kawakubo, Lee Alexander McQueen, etc. An artist can express itself in illogical ways; therefore, the surreal artworks are full of unexpected and surprise that always can blow the audience’s mind. It is a significant art movement that affected our aesthetics, which breaks our common sense and full of creative. Therefore, we can see the world differently under the surrealism.  Through the Avant-garde fashion, we can understand that fashion and art culture is highly related. This dissertation generally talks about the relations between fashion and surrealism.


超现实主义早已成为时尚界的热门趋势,在时尚市场上依然不断发展。 超现实主义总是伴随着我们。 它代表了我们的梦想,我们的愿望,我们最深的部分。 我对超现实主义感兴趣,因为它关乎我们的情感和创造。 超现实主义风格一直存在于时尚界。 设计师和摄影师仍然在超现实主义风格和审美中运用超现实主义的想法。 不仅前卫已经融合了超现实主义的元素,而且融入了日常的穿着物品。 由于这些项目的市场,它必须有它的吸引点,并使观众喜欢它。 


Surrealism is the hot trend in the fashion industry from a long time ago and it still continues developing in the fashion market. Surrealism is always with us. It represents to our dream, our desire, the deepest part of our mind. I am interested in surrealism because it is all about our emotional and creation.  The surrealism styles are kept exists in the fashion industry. Both designer and photographer are still using the surrealism ideas in their works with different surrealism styles and aesthetic. Not only the avant-garde had integrated those surrealistic elements but also the daily wear items. As there is the market of these items, it must have the attract point of it and makes the audience like it.  

超现实主义的艺术品非常有吸引力。然而,大多数人在我们的日常生活中感到尴尬。亚历山大·弗瑞(Alexander Fury)声称:“诚实地说,现实生活中的超现实是很难做到的......但是衬衫正面的一个古怪的按钮或者一个诙谐的图案是本季设计师的艺术风格。”就像我们赢了'不要买龙虾电话或红唇沙发。但是,时尚是让人们更容易接受,并愿意购买超现实主义物品。时装收藏分为两部分,成衣和高级时装。前卫时尚主要是在高级时装类,因为它需要定制。由于穿着夸张的形式,设计师更容易和更多的空间来表达他们的创造力。超现实元素由于其独特性可以引起人们的关注。通过添加这种有吸引力的元素,而且在日常的穿着,一些设计师可以选择在细节上添加元素,如图案,拼接等,这可以使成衣新颖


Surrealism artworks are very attractive. However, the majority of the people feel awkward to have surreal stuff in our daily. Alexander Fury claims, “In all honesty, it's difficult to dress surreal for real life… But a quirky button or a witty graphic on the front of a shirt is a nod to the artistic bent of designers this season.” Just like we won’t buy a lobster phone or a red lips sofa. However, fashion is the way that makes people more acceptable and willing to purchase the surreal items. Fashion runway collection had divided into two part, ready-to-wear and haute couture. Avant-garde fashion is mainly in the haute couture category since it needs to be made-in-order. By having an exaggerated form of dress, the designer is easier and has more space to express their creativity. The surreal element can draw people attention due to its uniqueness. By adding that attractive element but also wearable in daily, some designer may choose to add the element in the details, such as pattern, stitching, etc.  It can make the ready-to-wear item novelty.


理查德·马丁(Richard Martin)提到:“杂志,窗口展示和服装上的时尚展示思想在这几年间都有所变化,但超现实主义仍然是时尚界最喜欢的艺术。超现实主义受到时尚界的欢迎。除了时尚的设计,超现实的想法也融入了时尚摄影和编辑。通过Photoshop修饰,设计和造型,给予摄影师,编辑甚至时尚更大的空间来创造形象。视觉体验是时尚界必不可少的一部分。人们购买时尚物品,因为他们想让他们看起来不错。由于物品的前景,人们购买时尚物品。这完全是关于视觉的。在时尚推广方面,我认为最重要的是让观众保持新鲜感,因为市场上有很多时尚杂志和社论。成功引起公众关注是提高购买新物品动力的第一步。超现实元素的图片往往由于其多样性而具有独特性和吸引力。它可以保持新鲜感,因为在超现实主义下几乎没有边界。


Richard Martin mentions that "Ideas about fashion presentation in magazines, window display, and apparel have changes in the intervening years, but Surrealism remains fashion's favorite art." Surrealism becomes welcome from the fashion industry. Besides the fashion design, the surreal ideas also blend into the fashion photography and editorial. Through the Photoshop retouch, set design and styling, it gives the photographer, editor even stylish a bigger space to create the image. Visual experience is an imperative part of the fashion industry. People buy fashion items because they want to make them look good. People buy fashion items due to the outlook of its items. It is all about the visual. In the fashion promotion, I think it is paramount that to keep it fresh to the audience, as there are lots of fashion magazines and editorial in the market. Success to draw the attention from the public is the first step the raise their motivation of buying the new items. Pictures with surreal elements tend to be unique and attractive due to its diversity. It can keep its freshness since here is almost no border under the surrealism.

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