News is a newly received noteworthy information. This is presented to the public by the journalist. The role of the journalists is to determine the noteworthy information that is useful and interesting to the public. It should not be subjective or biased based on the discretion of the journalists or the news outlets. Media convergence is the merging of print, television, internet and radio mass media. This is done with the use of portable and interactive technologies. Globalization has led to increasing convergence of the news and the media bias has also developed in various news outlets. News media has always been an eclectic mix of serious news and entertainment. This dates back to the age old question of whether journalism is a profession or a business. The stress of the journalistic media and entertainment has become pronounced in the digital age. The advent of technology and the social media has reduced the gap that exists between news and entertainment. These news developments have eroded the seriousness of journalism and is now considered to be an entertainment media.
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