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美国明尼苏达大学论文代写:the rights of workers

美国明尼苏达大学论文代写:the rights of workers



美国明尼苏达大学论文代写:the rights of workers

The dignity of work and the rights of the workers should be protected (Finn, 2010). This is because in the present market place, there is a bottom-line over the precedence of some of the rights of workers. In order to do the protection of the dignity of work in the society, it is important that there should be a minimum level of participation in the society. In order to protect the dignity in work, it is vital to respect the workers and their rights (Waters, 1961). This includes the right to do a protective work, to earn decent and fair wages, to create, to form and expand the unions and to do economic initiatives in the society.
that everyone is a brother and a sister. All the people in the world should live their life as a single human family in spite of any kind of national, racial, ethnic, economic and ideological differences. Solidarity is a term which means that one should love his or her neighbor. This is also something that has global dimensions in the independent world. That there should participation amidst the people (Mich, 1998). This is because it is the right of each and every person to be involved in equal participation in the community. It is also wrong for any person or a group who is not able to participate in the society.

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