美国论文代写达特茅斯学院:personal identity
美国论文代写达特茅斯学院:personal identity
美国论文代写达特茅斯学院:personal identity
The different factors such as racial background, ethnicity, culture, sexuality, environmental factors and so on help in the realization of the personal identity of an individual, but all these themes come under the main topic of society. It is with the help of society that one realizes the importance of his/her personal identity. The different situations, which are mentioned above and experienced by an individual assist in altering his/her attitude and perception towards life and makes them realize that they cannot emancipate from their identity, racial background and ethnicity. The realization of their identity is the major event of their life and shapes their personality. Hence, through the medium of society, one’s struggle for the realization of the personal identity is made more focused and organized, through the series of social events. The society has a positive and a negative influence on the personal identity of an individual, and it would be correct to say that “personal identity is the product of society”. Therefore, the thesis statement holding that social surroundings can have a tremendous impact on how we perceive ourselves is proved right.