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美国伦斯勒理工学院论文代写:Quality Factor

美国伦斯勒理工学院论文代写:Quality Factor


美国伦斯勒理工学院论文代写:Quality Factor

Richness in quality is the most important factor. It is the quality which attracts the customers towards the restaurant or the hotel. The front desk management staffs need to ensure that the quality is a factor which must be taken utmost care in the hotel and there should be a great concern towards the quality factor. The example of a restaurant can be considered where the primary requirement is to provide proper food. On the basis of the quality of the food, the customers are attracted towards the restaurant. If the restaurant has awesome decoration, outstanding views and great catering staff but the food lacks in quality, the restaurant will end up with no customers.  Thus it is necessary for the restaurant to maintain the appropriate quality. This can be done by providing the resources in an appropriate way, specification of adequate services and the processing of the products without any kinds of error. Some of the benefits of the quality consideration during the front desk management process include the products and the services which are products on the specification. Better quality requires less amount of recycling and the less wastage of the efforts. Another factor which is considered important in the front desk management system is the speed. As per the records, there should be minimum throughput time and the output rate which is appropriate for the demand should be maximised. This is because it is necessary that the processes are done within time and each and everything is completed in a speedy manner. In addition to this the output rate should meet the demands of the input.

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