澳洲科廷科技大学论文代写:Teacher feedback
澳洲科廷科技大学论文代写:Teacher feedback
教室设置是为了向学生提供整体教育。 教师采用不同的方法来改善学生的学习过程。 学生的知识,技能,行为,态度等都建立在教室环境中(Anderson,1990年)。 反馈系统是学生学习过程中非常关键的部分,老师会根据学生学到的东西和知识对学生进行评估。 教师反馈是至关重要的部分,因为它可以激励人。关于学生学习的动机理论侧重于不同方面,例如行为动机和认知动机。 另外,动机也被广泛地分类并理解为内在动机和外在动机。 外部动机是直接的外部因素,例如反馈的积极基调,正面提及,奖励等。内部动机是学生在内部的感觉,并被理解为与外部因素有关。
澳洲科廷科技大学论文代写:Teacher feedback
Classroom settings exist for the purpose of presenting a holistic education to students. Teachers work on different methods to improve the student learning process. Student knowledge, skills, behaviour, attitudes etc. are built in the classroom environment (Anderson, 1990). Feedback systems form a very critical part of the student learning process where the students are evaluated by the teacher on what they learned and how well they learned. Teacher feedback is a critical part because it can be motivational. Motivational theories on student learning focus on different aspects, such as motivation by behaviour, and cognitive motivation. In addition, motivation is also broadly classified and understood as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The external motivation is the direct external factors such as positive tones of the feedback, positive mentions, rewards etc. The internal motivation is what the student feels internally and is understood as connected to the external factor.