就影响公司的内部因素而言,积压一直是公司的问题。 库存过剩的发生是因为公司为了满足计划的需求而对大量的设计师商品和服装进行了投资,但是由于外部因素(例如国家的经济状况,天气等)的变化,销售预测不会总是匹配的。 大量的布料积压或以折价出售,或者在某些情况下,库存被丢弃并退回以重复使用或倾销(Vickie,2015年)。
In terms of internal factors affecting the company, overstocking has always been an issue for the company. Overstocking happens because the company invests in large volume of designer merchandise and clothing in order to meet projected demands, but the sales projections will not always a match because of varying external factors like the economic situation of the country, the weather etc. This leads to large volumes of cloth being overstocked, or sold off on discounted prices, or in some cases, the stock gets discarded and returned for reuse or dump (Vickie, 2015).