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了解组织的关键优势在确定潜在市场方面起着至关重要的作用。 显然,该公司已经在社区内创造了完美的文化和历史价值。 这在创建积极的品牌名称方面发挥了关键作用,使组织活动能够在市场上销售。理想情况下,公司需要以明确的方式提出明确的方式来确定其为社区提供服务的能力。该行动在组建一个愿意与该组织合作,因其完美声誉而组织起来的社区中发挥了至关重要的作用。最后,员工的热情和耐心是导致组织中创造客户忠诚度的关键因素。

The understanding of the key strengths of the organization plays an essential role in the identification of the potential market. Apparently, the company has managed to create a perfect cultural and historical value within the community. This has played a key role in the creation of a positive brand name that enables the organization activities to sell out in the market. Ideally, the need for the company to come up with distinctive ways of defining its ability to serve the community in a spirited way is evident. The action has played an essential role in the formation of a spirited community that is willing to work with the organization owing to its perfect reputation. Lastly, the passion and patience of the staff members is a key factor that leads to the creation of customer loyalty in the organization.


弱点在任何组织的失败中都起着至关重要的作用。及早识别组织弱点在其一般操作中有更好的目的。 显然,缺乏足够的资本是Hilsea Lido经历的一个主要弱点。 至关重要的是通过雇用更多的空间和建造更多的泳池来扩大组织的活动。但由于该行业资本有限,该活动已被禁用。关闭后,大多数人会列出希尔西丽都娱乐活动的兴趣。这导致消费者对其提供的服务的认识有限。该组织的营销部门也需要升级他们的社交媒体。该设施老旧且缺乏足够设备的事实弥补了其弱点。最后,季节性限制的存在影响其运作。

Weaknesses play an essential role in the failure of any organization. The early identification of the organization weakness serves a better purpose in its general operations. Apparently, lack of enough capital is a key weakness experienced by Hilsea Lido. The need to expand the activities of the organization by hiring more space and constructing more pools is essential. However, the activity has been disabled because of limited capital in the industry. After its closure, most people list interests in the recreational activities taking place in the Hilsea Lido. This leads to the creation of limited consumer awareness of the services it offers. The marketing department of the organization also needs to upgrade their social media. The fact that the facility is old and lacks enough equipment makes up its weakness. Lastly, the existence of restrictions that is seasonal affects its operations.

Opportunities and Threats


The existing opportunities of the organization in the market are a key factor that creates envy among its competitors. Apparently, Hilsea Lido is an organization known to people around Portsmouth. This leads to the generation of a ready market that is willing to use the services of the company. The use of nice word advertising through the mouth is a key opportunity that the organization has in possession. This enables the organization to create a good market base for its operations. The facility is also suitable for individuals of all ages. The offering of a competitive price package is also an opportunity. The perfect positions of its operations are also of benefit. The threats that the company faces comes from competitors that offer a variety of water sports together with opportunities. The existence of no heated pools that competitors often offer to the market also creates a threat.

TWOS Matrix

看看该组织的TWOS矩阵有助于该研究所提出独特的行业生存方式。TWOS分析有助于组织对外部机会和内部优势进行数学分析。这在创建更广阔的市场方面发挥着独特的作用,这将有助于该组织获得竞争优势。合并将有助于该组织提出通常称为“最大最大”的策略。另一方面,TWOS矩阵的应用将突出其对基于组织弱点的威胁的脆弱性。这有助于制定策略,重点在于尽量减少组织运作面临的潜在弱点。 总而言之,TWOS矩阵的应用将使公司处于更好的竞争地位。

A look at the organization’s TWOS matrix aids the Institute to come up with distinctive ways of surviving in the industry. The TWOS analysis facilitates the organization to math its external opportunities and the internal strengths. This plays a distinctive role in the creation of a wider market that will help the organization to have a competitive advantage over its competitors. The merger would aid the organization to come up with strategies commonly known as “maxi maxi.” On the other hand, the application of the TWOS matrix would provide highlights to its vulnerability to the threats that are based on the organization weakness. This aids in the creation of strategies that are focused in the minimization of the potential weaknesses that face the operations of the organization. Conclusively, the application of the TWOS matrix would place the company in a better competitive position.

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