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日期: 2017年08月24日















The action by Apple primarily involves consumer motivation which is a thought that guides most of the marketing ventures in modern businesses. According to the consumer may not be aware of their need for a product and sometimes the marketer may suggest the need to the consumer as a means of motivating their intention to buy the product. Consumer motivation occurs when the brand provides a product which creates an urge within the consumer to satisfy a certain need through the purchase of the product. The action of purchase and use of the product is therefore motivated by the brand identity and marketing position. Motivational conflicts occur when an individual’s actions are influenced by conflicting factors (Hawkins & Mothersbaugh, 2012). Conflicts in Apple consumer motivation is primarily based on the fact that the company establishes itself as a premium provider of smartphone technology and superior interaction through the features of the product. This positioning may create a motivation conflict among the normal buyers who are to make installment purchases. The reason is that premium products are related with certain social status while the features of the product are indeed desirable. The company may resolve such a conflict by focusing on the non-monetary aspect of marketing (Stone, 2005). Instead of focusing on portraying the brand as an exclusive provider, the company m ay appeal to the consumer’s need to have better interaction as well as their need to be part of the digital world. The company may do so by emphasizing the promotional programs such as installment payment for the iPhone as a product of great value to the consumer. The target consumer for Apple is the middle class professionals, young adults and students who are able to purchase premium products. According to Ghorban, (2012), the company elicits high involvement levels among its consumers.



The primary interest of the consumer on the Apple product is to enhance their connectivity. Furthermore, the role of the product to the consumer is to enhance the ability of the consumer to make use of the media and digital technology capabilities offered by the product. Essentially, the product places itself as the best option for media professionals, technology enthusiasts as well as other normal consumers of middle or upper income levels. Apple’s strategy for emotional involvement included the portrayal of the brand and its consumers as a special group of individuals. Some of the primary factors that place the consumers as a family include the fact that all the consumers are supposedly individuals who are focused on the creative use of the smartphone technologies. Individuals, who understand quality of the product in terms of technology, design and convenience offered in the products, form the unifying characteristic of the Apple smartphone consumer (De Vries & Carlston, 2014). However emotional involvement is not established quickly and involves a continual leveraging of product features to appeal to the emotion of the consumers over time. Some of the advantages of the consumer involvement for Apple is that it has led to consumer loyalty, consumer advocacy as well as word of mouth marketing of the product through satisfied users. For Apple, the use and purchase of the iPhone is a trend that indicates an individual’s enthusiasm for superior technological designs and efficiencies. The positioning of the product in the market provides a positive notion of an Apple consumer which differentiates them from the rest of the smartphone users.


The primary reason behind the study of personality in the marketing field is that the marketer requires sufficient understanding of the consumer and their needs. The personality of the consumer implies some of the unique characters that define the consumer and their tendency to purchase particular set of products according to their benefits and their appeal to them. The Trait theory suggests that the marketer is supposed to understand the consumer personality as a construct of several traits (Hunt& Vitell, 2006). Examples of traits include sadness, outgoing, and serious, happy go lucky, relaxed or self-assured among the large variety (Caplin, 2005). The general trait theory is particularly useful in the targeting of the consumer segments. The role of the general trait theory is that it defines a large variety of traits and facilitates the ability of the marketer to differentiate the consumer characters thereby segmenting the market. In this case, the Apple consumers include the middle and upper income individuals. The company may use the consumer personality of its entire brand to segment the technology market at their own advantage. One of the primary advantages of the type of segmentation by Apple is that it has reinforced the company in identifying with its market segment personalities.

The self-concept is also a theory that the marketer may apply when considering increasing their consumer following. Self-concept takes advantage of the consumer beliefs, the consumer attitudes and their preferences in life. For Apple, the role of the company is to ensure that it is able to identify with the life preferences of young adults who are in the middle income social group. Relationship marketing which is based on the self-concept theory is the main approach that Apple uses to keep its consumers interested in its products such as the smartphone. According to Orth, (2005), the conceptions about one’s self in terms of belief and attitudes towards certain social objects are a learned trait which one acquires from interactions with individuals and media. The marketing strategy by Apple is based on suggesting to the consumer a certain trait that they find prevalent within their market segment. For instance, since most of its consumers are young adults with more disposable income, they are probably able to afford devices that extensively use digital media and the internet to run effectively. Furthermore, the theory states that self-conception is dynamic such that there is a high chance that the current attitudes or preferences of a consumer will change over time (Wood, 2005). This part of the theory is particularly evident in the marketing strategy of most companies in the technology industry. Some of the main reasons are that the companies focus on individuals who are enthusiastic about new technologies and are quick to acquire new trends in the design and technology preferences. Apple has used the self-concept theory to create a relationship among between its consumers and its products through innovation of new styles and introduction of creative and useful features (Lin, 2010). The iPhone increases interactivity and access to entertainment through iTunes which keeps the company at the fore front of its competitors as consumers are loyal to its position as a premium provider of high level technology.

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