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美国论文代写网站靠谱:value chain analysis


美国论文代写网站靠谱:value chain analysis

价值链的概念可以应用于整个供应链和分销网络。为了评估企业的竞争优势,优势和劣势,企业必须首先分为价值产生活动的部分,这些部分被称为价值链分析。价值链分析的主要目标是为客户提供超出成本活动价值并产生高利润率的服务水平。我们可以将Next的基础设施分为两类;硬基础设施和软基础设施。硬基础设施将包括运输结构,能源基础设施,废物管理基础设施和通信基础设施。软基础设施包括其生产地点和零售店. Next的HR结构非常灵活,能够反映市场的迫切需求。人力资源部门允许员工顺利开展业务,并提供高质量的结果。招聘是通过许多不同渠道完成的,但主要是通过招聘广告。 Next旨在以比竞争对手更低的价格保持其技术知识。计划开展活动以保护Next的知识库并管理信息处理。接下来找到以尽可能低的价格提供最优质原材料的供应商和供应商。采购部门还与交货时间和付款进行协商。他们采用即时(JIT)流程,使他们能够保持最低库存水平。他们通过招标程序购买。评估所有出价,并选择最佳的出价。

美国论文代写网站靠谱:value chain analysis

The concept of value chain can be applied to the entire supply chains and the distribution networks. In order to evaluate the competitive advantages, strengths and weaknesses of a firm the firm must be first divided into segments of value generating activities which is referred to value chain analysis. The main objective of value chain analysis is to offer the customer a level of service that exceeds the value of cost activities and generating high profit margins.We can classify the infrastructure of Next into two categories; hard infrastructure and soft infrastructure. The hard infrastructure would include the transport structure, energy infrastructure, waste management infrastructure and communications infrastructure. The soft infrastructure includes their production locations and the retail outlets.HR structure of Next is very flexible and reflects the immediate needs of the market. HR department allows its employees to carry out their operations smoothly and deliver quality results. The hiring is done through many different channels but mostly through job advertisements. Next aims to maintain its technological knowledge at a lower price than their competitors. Activities are planned to protect the knowledge base of Next and to manage the processing of information.Next finds vendors and suppliers who deliver the best quality of raw material at the lowest price possible. Procurement department also negotiates with the timings and the payments of the deliveries. They employ the Just in Time (JIT) process which enables them to keep a minimum level of inventory. They purchase through a bidding process. All the bids are evaluated and whichever seems the best is selected.

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