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澳洲论文代写:pollution creating health problems

澳洲论文代写:pollution creating health problems

澳洲论文代写:pollution creating health problems




澳洲论文代写:pollution creating health problems

No matter how much the industrialization has changed the way of life for better; people still cannot forget the impactful harm it causes to the environment. It is the natural resources that have made industries grow and prosper by acting as a source of energy for production and manufacture. However, if the nature will be affected badly, then the growth would automatically decline (Ozen et al, 2015). The amount of pollution emitted by the industrial units in a year in the form of hazardous gases, pollutants and impure particles are humungous in quantity. It is enough to make the environment and natural oxygen filled with disastrous impurities. This oxygen is inhaled by all the living beings on earth, affecting their health adversely. The bad air pollution can cause acid rain among many hazards.
At present, the present water in the world is polluted by 70%. It’s an alarming figure for humans. The eco-system has been polluted by bad particles, making its life support system almost zero. The riverbeds have been implanted in the rivers, to change the direction of water to extract minerals. This has resulted in destruction of water animals, resources. The nuclear power plants have created unnecessary temperatures and radiations that are very harmful to the human beings. Radiation is a reason for change in the structure of genes in the human bodies. The natural resource are depleting with time due to industrialization.
The air is grossly polluted by gases. The ozone layer is affected in turn. Ozone is a layer that protects us from the harmful rays of sunlight which could cause skin problems. The weather patterns have changed, which causes issues like global warming, a major issue of today. Global warming leads to increase in earth’s temperature due to increasing amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases. It leads to increase in the sea levels and the melting of glaciers causing the chances of floods and also draught (Dey, 2014).
People have increased their living standards via the development of industries, which causes pollution creating health problems. These health issues require huge money expenses, therefore creating more tensions and stress in people’s life. Though the living standards increase but more stress is generated in people’s lives.

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